
The Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass

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Slavery, as a form of labor, has not inflamed a whole-scale political and social crisis more seriously anywhere than in the United States during the nineteenth century. In fact, the slaves were forced, kidnapped or “born” to be the suppressed and were not only required to perform endless labor, but also tortured, suppressed and bestially destroyed in numerous heartless ways — physically and mentally. However, a few decades before the outbreak of the civil war, it was barely possible for the ordinary to know about the details of how the slaves lived in the south due to several factors such as the limit of communications. Fortunately, Fredrick Douglass, an educated run-away slave, wrote and published “The Narrative of the Life of Frederick …show more content…

For example, Douglass narrates that a woman slave was killed brutally by her mistress because she just had a rest while the baby whom she took care of was crying. A trivial “mistake” shockingly cost her life to pay for the baby’s cry. Also, they were not allowed to read, write and learn, which further kept them as “properties with only feelings”. By doing this, the masters and overseers torn down the slaves’ spirits and infuse one so-called indubitable belief into what the slaves “held” to be true — they were born to be slaves and nothing could change their status. During the nineteenth century, young women workers went on strike because of over exploitation on them. Indentured servants rose up because of mistreats. However, the slaves were always kept in their traps because they were suppressed from birth to death, were unable to tell what they could have except their current situation, and were forced to spend most of their time and energy on stealing some coarse bread to survive.By implementing all those inhumane conducts described by Douglass in his narrative, slaves were suppressed to a state that their emotions became plain, their desires became trivial and their nerves became numb, which is exactly the situation that the plantation owners wanted. Furthermore, the communities of slaves were fragmented and rarely developed because their relationships were grievously twisted under the

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