Though many argue the opposite, in a globalizing world, the nation-state still has a role to play and should continue to maintain this role. As defined by the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, a nation-state is “a form of political organization under which a relatively homogeneous people inhabits a sovereign state.” This would imply that globalization, defined by the same source as "the development of an increasingly integrated global economy marked especially by free trade, free flow of capital, and the tapping of cheaper foreign labor markets,” and the nation-state would be two contradicting ideas that cannot coexist. However, they seem to not only coexist, but work together. This almost symbiotic relationship is exemplified when globalization is examined through a cultural, economic, and international relations lens.
The Nation-State in Cultural Globalization
Globalization can be examined through a cultural lens that can be split up into ethnic and civic lens in order to understand the role of the nation-state. The nation-state is a state that is formed based on a set of shared traits, which means that as long as there are these shared traits keep a state together, the nation-state exists. Through an ethnic lens, some nation-states, such as South Korea and China, are formed based on shared descent and other factors such as language and tradition. This causes ethnic nationalism, or the “loyalty to a shared tradition based on culture, language, or religion” (Garner et
World Order is a necessity in modern day society, for if it did not exist we would be faced with international anarchy. A nation state acts individually, therefore meaning that it can either choose to embrace Human Rights and international laws, or ignore them.
The era of globalization has witnessed the growing influence of a number of unconventional international actors, from non-governmental organizations, to multi-national corporations, to global political movements. Traditional, state-centric definitions of foreign policy
News reporters, public speakers, and other people use rhetorical strategies for writing and speaking. The rhetorical strategies that could work on me are adapting to my style and use formal authoritative quotes. The way I would influence someone to my way of thinking is by utilizing mainly formal authoritative quotes, and adapting to that person’s style.
Confederation- it is a union of countries who are allied together by some political power
America believed that it was isolated from the rest of the world, and its foreign policy reflected these ideas and beliefs. The United States was on its way to becoming a world power and advancing its own interest in the world, especially in the North and South America. Isolationism caused the United States to avoid being involved in other countries politics and for the U.S. to remain neutral in foreign policy
Commentators contend that globalization has disintegrated national sway and has brought about an exchange of force from states to enterprises or to universal associations. Since the late 1970s, there has been a developing acknowledgment of a belief system, frequently called "globalism," that supports an open market and constrained government impedance in capital and exchange streams. Corporate hobbies have driven this motivation, which they have forced, the faultfinders contend, on the creating
The foundational principles of a nation state also known as national sovereignty is for a state to combine its political and cultural entity as one. Some of the characteristics of a nation state include the ability to enter into relations with other states of similar capacity. A nation state is responsible for promoting economic unity and a uniform administration to govern its citizens. The United States has acted to fulfill these responsibilities by providing a single entity to govern the nation as a whole. The United States is constantly working with other nations to help protect our
As a result globalisation has also undone some important cultural and psychological underpinnings of sovereignty. However, it is imperative to note that the effect of globalisation on different nation states will not be the same, because states differ domestically, historically, politically and socio-culturally. Therefore, states will make different policy choices in response to the same global phenomena (Held 1989, 237).
Nation-state supporters claimed that the globe was divided into peoples or nations of common heritage and territory that required a state. The state would have to create a nation by creating standardized laws, time, language, etc. America, Japan and parts of Europe were strong nation-states at this time. In Europe, states seemed as revolutionaries broke away from multinational empires unable to keep their lands together. Expansion complicated the needs of the nation-state by introducing new people from outside the nation. In many new nation-states, imperialism was a big aspect with nation building. Empires made it easier for people and goods to move around the world.
Russia has many cultural characteristics that have shaped the country we know today. A nation 's culture can define its actions and make them more predictable as a state on the international level. Understanding a nation’s culture gives great insight into the motives and reasoning behind their aggression or acts of force. Factors such as geography, weather, political landscape, military, and key infrastructure provide a clear understanding of Russian culture and how it has shaped the nation over the past century.
A nation is said to exist when it could traced its origins through the state, in which it associate itself with, histories. Additionally, the cultural elites must be established and well-versed in writing and speaking the national language. There must also be a valid reason for its claim on a certain territory. It is only when these three requirements are fulfilled will the international community consider their claim for a nation (Hobsbawm, 1990: 37). Disagreements, however, tend to arise in the political community over the definition of a nation. This essay will try to list out the different approaches employed in defining a nation starting from a nation being a natural cultural entity to it being politically and
All over the world, soldiers in the UN’s blue helmets or hats have risked their lives trying to stop wars. In 1988 they received one of the worlds highest honors, the Nobel Peace Prize. Canadians were proud, because their soldiers and aircrew had shared in almost every UN peacekeeping mission since 1948.
The United States of America is a very unique country for numerous reasons. One particularly good reason is our great cultural diversity. Weaved deep into our history are the tales of people traveling overseas to the New World looking for better lives. Of course, not all these tales have happy endings (or happy beginnings, or any happiness anywhere in some cases), but regardless, learning about our nation’s migratory history is very important. Immigration is a very serious topic of discussion in today’s heated political climate; whatever your stance of the issue may be, it’s handy to have some knowledge of the subject, as it could affect your opinions on it in a substantial way. We should discuss where and why immigrants came to our shores, how legislators have tried to stop them, and what impact they’ve left on our country today.
Globalization simply defined is the intensification of global interactions. The case studies we have studied depict two of the main types of globalization. Economic Globalization, which is the production, exchange, distribution, and consumption of goods and tangible services, and Cultural Globalization, the exchange of materials and symbols that represent facts, meaning values and beliefs. When Globalization occurs it usually has a major impact on indigenous cultures. Optimists or “champions” state that the relationship between culture and globalization has positive effects as it creates a balance between nations. Conversely, critics state that relationships between the two have negative effects, leading to the loss or deterioration of a
The United Nations, with its rigid moral and political limitations against force, has become a benchmark of peace and a social achievement of modern times. From war torn Europe, the United Nations developed from five major powers with an initial goal to prevent the spread of warfare through peaceful means and to establish and maintain fundamental human rights. Through the past fifty years, this organization has broadened its horizons with auxiliary organizations from peace keeping missions to humanitarian aid, to economic development. However, in a modern example of ethnic cleansing, the UN faces new a new role as a bystander as its power is bypassed by NATO forces. The UN, however, promises to be an