
The National Association for the Education of Young Children Standards and Accreditation Criteria

Decent Essays

The National Association for the Education of Young Children Standards and Accreditation Criteria was created to enhance the experiences of young children in Early Childhood programs as well encouraging positive outcomes. These standards start from birth through Kindergarten and correlates with developmentally appropriate practice. The standards are separated into 10 Standards according to criteria and specific educational personnel, such as the children, teachers, communities and administrators. The mission of NAEYC is to provide children with the best Early Childhood programs that focus on child development with the right educational resources. Standard 6 focuses on the educational programs employment of teaching staffs that are …show more content…

The teacher created a display of books about leaves in the library center. Children are encouraged to take these books during center time. These books are familiar to the children because the teacher read the books during story time. There are books about the leaves changing color because of the season. Some books are mathematical concepts such as counting leaves. One of the books the teacher had read was called “Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf” by Lois Ehlert. In the arts and craft center, children can paint a different color leaves they see. There was a display of the different leaves the children have brought from home. In the science center, they can use the magnifying glass to look at the different types of leaves. There is a chart on the wall that the children can look at to see which tree the leaf came from.
In the Young Children article. “Supporting Children’s Learning While Meeting State Standards: Strategies and Suggestions for Pre-K – Grade 3 Teachers in Public Schools Contexts”, it is mentioned that those who are involved in a child’s learning experience, other than the teachers, wanting to make sure the classroom is a learning environment and not just a place where children play. Teachers should provide told that show children learning within the centers around the classroom. The teacher can take photos of children performing activities and the learning standard that is being applied. When parents visit the classroom during

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