
The National Quality Standard And Early Years Learning Framework Essay

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Jimmy is a child who is sitting by the window looking out into the playground watching the other children play. If only Jimmy had the social and emotional skills to go outside and explore the playground. Early childhood is a time where children want to express themselves and explore their world independently. It is, therefore, imperative that early childhood settings foster autonomy and develop age-appropriate social and emotional skills. This increasing independence must be fostered for children to grow, develop and become allowing them to function independently (autonomy). This is emphasised strongly through both the National Quality Standard and Early Years Learning Framework. This sense of autonomy can only be fostered if early childhood centres develop age-appropriate social and emotional skills (Department of Health and Ageing, 2010). When early childhood centres foster these social and emotional skills children develop a strong self – esteem, confidence and the ability to socially participate in their (agency). Ultimately leading to a strong sense of identity and wellbeing. The National Quality Standard and the Early Years Learning Framework highlight children’s emotional and social development as critical parts and are highlighted in both.
It’s imperative that early childhood services foster student’s autonomy and agency. Independence contributes to children’s sense of achievement and success, enhancing the development of the child’s self-esteem, identity, and

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