
The Nature Of Human Beings

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To survive as a species, human beings have to have the desire to live and to live long enough to be able to pass on their genes to their young ones. This is the only way that a species can survive. This desire is inbuilt; we are born with it. We as human together with other animals will tend to seek from the environment that which will enable them to live and survive. These could be food, oxygen, and water. It can also be called self-preservation. Additionally, in our fight to survive, we tend to stay away from those elements that have the potential of endangering our survival for example starvation and situations that can cause us any harm (Dugatkin, 56; Velasquez et al.). This basic instinct makes us look selfish because we …show more content…

She is the woman who saved more than 2500 infants during the Holocaust, a period that saw many Jews, adults and children alike are slaughtered in cold blood. Irena’s father was a physician who used to treat patients who were mostly Jews that other doctors had refused to treat. As a result, Irena sympathized with them after seeing what they were going through. Her father died in1917 February from typhus. He suffered the typhus as a direct result of dealing with his patients, his last words were “If one witness or is in the presence of someone who is drowning, one needs or should take steps to save this individual from drowning even in situations that one is not an expert” (Rubin). These words reflect the spirit of self-sacrifice and self-denial that was advanced by her father that very well might have caused his death. These words continued to ring in Irena 's heart and mind for the rest of her life (Rubin). This is what motivated her to help others even though she would be putting her life at risk. The documentary was done by PBS “Irena Sendler: In the Name of Their Mothers” contains a recording of an interview with Irene Sendler. In the interview, she says this, “I try to follow the example and teachings that were offered to me by my father. When I find someone who has a need, I extend a helping hand. It is as simple as practicing the ideals passed on to me by my father and thus helping the Jewish community and people” (Rubin). This is a clear indication

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