The necessity to measure transit system performance along with its different dimensions has led to the development of a large number of quantitative performance indicators. Nevertheless, depending upon the specific indicator assessed, one can reach to different conclusions regarding performance. Furthermore, though performance and scale economies are closely related issues, they have been generally examined separately in the transit literature. There have been significant amounts of research undertaken in order to examine the transit system performance, and in turn of assessing the performance based on such methods but the two characteristics underline the work. First, due to heterogeneity in getting different relationships between efficiency and effectiveness, system performance, existence of scale of economies and various such issues, the conclusion which have come out of different studies is not same. In other words there are conflicting conclusions. Even researchers are not using the data which is provided by NTD (National Transit Data base) and as a result the comparability of findings across researches is questionable. A second problem arises because researches have been using cross section-time series data from largely heterogeneous systems and have introduced a size-related bias in their results (Berechman, 1993). Tomazinis (1977) specified a set of indicators in order to measure the public transit systems’s performance. His measurement was built on three bases;
Most firms in the public transportation management market are aware of the transition away from traditional transit models. Tow of First Transit’s largest competitors, MV Transportation and TransDev, have invested millions of dollars in research to create the technology to broker delivery of this non-traditional mobility service. Both firms are well financed and have hired top industry personnel to lead these
The team addresses that the main purpose of the study is to address long-term inter-regional transportation problems and opportunities and to consider alternative actions to addrees these issues as part of developing an integrated, multi-modal transportation system that permits the capable movement of people and goods, and provides better economic and transportation linkages between urban growth centres in the GTA west study area (figure 1) (Transportation development strategy report, 2012). In order to finalize the purpose of the study, the project team identified the specific transportation problems and opportunities within the study area (Transportation development strategy report, 2012). They developed, assessed and evaluated a range of Area Transportation System Alternatives to address the identified issues relating to transportation, and opportunities presented within the study area (Transportation development strategy report, 2012). Lastly, the team recommended a Transportation Development Strategy based on the Area Transportation System Alternatives supported onward from the assessment (Transportation development strategy report,
Improving transit will reduce commute time and amount of cars on the road. Toronto is ranked 47th worst traffic in the world. This means that Toronto has a real traffic problem. We must improve the system. This means, having better bus routes and more buses, more subway lines. Toronto currently has only 4 subway lines. This is nothing compared to New York with 34 lines. If our transit
With 809,958 people living in Charlotte public transit is de rigueur; public transit gives people options on how to go to school, work, or the doctor as well as reduce congestion, and grow communities. After six months with no CEO, Charlotte Area Transit System(CATS) appointed John Lewis Jr.; he is experienced with public transit systems and enthusiastic for growth in Charlotte. Still there
Similar to that of Western Europe, the government significantly strengthens and supported public transportation providing transit agencies with more capital and operating assistance. Some examples that transportation may want to look into is wider spacing between bus stops to increase operating speeds, transit priority in mixed traffic such as bus lanes, special taxi service, high automobile taxes, and high motor fuel taxes. Wider spacing between bus stops would be beneficial for operators because it would increase operating speeds. Two or three buses could be using arriving and departing without any delays. Transit managers should work with the city to provide dedicated bus lanes on the road so people would think that public transportation is faster and more reliable than cars. They should also add a special taxi service in some areas to ensure that riders do not have to travel extra to get to their destinations. In addition increasing automobile taxes and motor fuel will likely get people out of their cars and onto public
As stated above, the Social Community Zone focuses on the relationships between the company and the consumers. “Social Media networks provide a structure for social interactions. They focus on acquiring and maintaining relationships above all else. Conversations and collaboration are the principal activities in this zone” (Tuten & Solomon, The Social Community Zone, 2015). When it comes to social networking and relationship building, Wells Fargo should focus on sharing, socializing, and conversing. If the company shares new products and services, updates to existing products and services, legal issues, and other reported problems their customers will feel more comfortable with having their business with them. Through social media sites like
A study on the reliability of public transportation found that “long, heavily used bus lines on congested roadways are likely to have poor schedule reliability” (Levinson). Lower income areas tend to have a higher population density, which increases the congestion and overall reliability of busses (Levinson). Delays at the beginning of a bus route are then propagated to later stops creating further setbacks (Levinson). Bus operators have also been found skip certain stops, if they believe they are too dangerous (Levinson). Since poor people do tend to live in more treacherous areas, this further compounds their unequal transportation
The intent of this analysis is to compare and contrast the cost structures for rail, motor carriers and air modes of transportation. Implicit in this analysis is the rapid adoption of intermodal transportation which is often optimized to specific logistics and supply chain objectives (Jennings, Holcomb, 1996).
Public transportation is serious need of a massive overhaul in this nation. We are in desperate need to catch up to the European standard of public transportation in this country. In Europe, citizens can travel across cities, bodies of water, and even counties with their state of the art public transportation system. Europeans are not nearly as reliant on cars and oil as the United States is because they have the much more practical option of taking the transportation provided to them by the government to where ever they need to go. They have set a model that the United States needs to strive for and meet in the near future.
Passenger and freight transportation systems have a number of similarities in the investment evaluation process, with a few significant differences. The table below offers an initial look at the stakeholders for each and their relative financial interests.
Trains are everywhere in our society, we have jokes, toys, movies, and children’s television shows, but did you know rail transport started in 6th century Greece? The city of San Antonio, Texas is a fast-growing metropolitan city that has a very tremendous amount of people. It has been estimated that the city will grow by another million people in the next ten to twenty years. San Antonio’s traffic is becoming a huge issue and is quickly approaching to be one of the most congested areas in the states. The public transport in San Antonio consists of a very complex bus system, taxicabs, Trolley’s downtown, and the growing market of ridesharing drivers. San Antonio has had many talks and negotiations throughout the last two decades on getting a Light Rail system constructed to help with public transportation. This proposal is for specific businesses, the city of San Antonio and Bexar County to come to a funding agreement.
The difference in the share of railways in the USA and the EU is due to the geographical distances between cities in the USA and the EU. Railways cost less to operate and have fewer emissions when compared to trucking. Yet, the use of railways is limited for the following reasons: (i) building its infrastructure is very costly; (ii) the long lead time required for developing the infrastructure; (iii) consistent-high-volume of the freight traffic is needed for economic viability; and (iv) the need for trucks for the distribution to the final destinations. Trucks have many advantages over other modes of transportation, especially that they provide last mile delivery. Trucks, as compared to railways, ships, or planes have the most flexibility in reaching a destination, and the upfront
Public transport has become very easy to use, with applications that you can download onto your smartphone, you can know exactly when your bus or train will arrive at your bus stop. Science and technology have really improved the efficiency, comfort and ease of access associated with transport.
Public transport is always quite low on government priorities. Now the roads are filled and public transport in the GTA has reached its prime. Each day, commuters are seen using the public transport more progressively ( eg. buses, subways, streetcars etc.). But if we want our buses and subways to keep running the way it is, it needs to be paid for. Investing in Public transportation in the GTA is a very wise, as will lead to a higher GDP, higher employment, and better transportation which will result in an improved economy.
Traditionally, the focus of transport system has been on passengers as cities were looked as locations of maximum human interactions with each other with intricate traffic patterns linked to commuting, commercial transactions and cultural/leisure activities.