
The Negative Effects Of Eurocentric Beauty Standards Around The World

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Despite the claim that everyone is beautiful, barely 20% of the models in New York, London, Paris, and Milan for fashion week are people of color (Wilson, 2014). Eurocentric beauty standards have a negative impact on countless people around the world who do not fit into these set values. These standards are often times valued over non-European features, and this impacts children at a younger age than some may believe. It is not uncommon for people with lighter skin to be more valued than those who have darker skin. A prime example of the effects of Eurocentric beauty standards around the world is shown in “A White Woman of Color” by Julia Alvarez:
The oldest sister had the darkest coloring, with very curly hair and “coarse” features. She looked the most like Papi’s side of the family and was considered the least pretty. […] But the pride and joy of the family was the baby. She was the one who made heads turn and strangers approach asking to feel her silken hair. She was white white, an adjective that was repeated in describing her color as if to deepen the shade of white.” (Alvarez, 1998, p. 131). …show more content…

Those who have lighter skin and features that are similar to those of Europeans are often considered more attractive, while those who have darker skin are looked down upon. In Asia, numerous women use skin-whitening creams, and some even go as far as to have double-eyelid surgeries. Plastic surgery is also common in Lebanon, where one in three women will undergo treatment. Many African women also find the need to change the texture of their hair (Eurocentric 2015). All over the world, women of color feel pressured by societal expectations to alter their appearances to fit into a more Eurocentric

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