
The Negative Effects Of Police Brutality

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Over the last 16 years police brutality has gotten bigger. Police brutality is the use of excessive or unnecessary force by police when dealing with civilian. Which in this case is used everywhere in the U.S. with every race. But people think that they only use assistive force on black people. But, in some cases that’s not true the use assistive force on every race.
Many people think that the police use assistive force just on black people, which I do understand why. When you watch the news they never put other races on TV when the police is abusing them. They put only the blacks, no one sees any of them. In the article “Unarmed People of Color Killed by Police, 1999-2014” States that “the NAACP’S Legal Defense Fund Twitter posted a series of tweets naming 76 men and women killed in police custody since the 1999 death of Amadou Diallo in New York. Amadou Diallo was the first death caused by police brutality in 1999 that was really huge. Every since then, people have taken them really seriously. …show more content…

Lincoln A. Blades says, “The truth is, the real reason White victims of police brutality don’t get enough outrage is because the majority of white people are too busy condemning black and brown victims for their own assaults and deaths, ignoring the racialized elements of unnecessary force, and heaping praise on murderous police officers to realize that state-sanctioned violence is a problem that affects us all.” People are always complaining how no one cares for black people when they’re the ones getting all the attention when the police kill

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