
The Negative Effects Of Tobacco Use

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Tobacco use, especially cigarette smoking, continues to remain a leading preventable cause of death in the United States (U.S.). When compared to other age groups, young adults (between ages 18–29 year old) tend to show the highest admiration for cigarette smoking.
Although most cigarette smokers tend to begin smoking in adolescence, young adulthood is the time during which one tends to experiment (try new things) and sometimes experimenter’s transition into regular use and develop nicotine dependence. It is also the period that aids continued or casual (social) smoking, neither of which is safe. Peer pressure is very common in this age group as young adults sometimes adopt harmful behaviors in other to fit in a specific social group.

In addition to the probability that casual smokers may show upswing in nicotine dependence, they also expose individuals to cancer causing pollutants and provokes serious physiological consequences. Even with these well-known facts, millions of college students continue to use tobacco products, disregarding the well-known adverse health effects that they cause to the human body. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more deaths are caused each year by tobacco use than by all deaths from HIV, illegal drug use, alcohol use, motor vehicle injuries, suicides, and murders combined.

Public Health Intervention –
Smoking doesn’t only affect the individual that is directly engaging in the behavior. It can also affect other

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