
The Negative and Positive Benefits of Fluoride

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The ingestion of fluoride has been associated to benefits for the teeth. According to some observers in the past, fluoride strengthens the enamel of the teeth making it not so susceptible to cavities. From this hypothesis the fluoridation of water had its start and until today it is believed to be one of the most responsible sources for reducing cavities in the population (Graham & Morin, 1999). In some author’s view the fluoridation of the water implies a significant change and the positive effects can been seen in the so-called post-fluoride generation. In this generation the number of adults without any teeth has dramatically declined and similar improvements can be observed in the periodontal health − related to gums and supporting structures of teeth − (Milgrom & Reisine, 2000). However the lack of consideration of fluoride’s potential to be harmful to human’s health is questionable and studies have pointed out the dark side of this compound (Bryson, 2006). A study conducted in the cities of Newburgh and Kingston, in New York have shown that the prevalence of cavities in the population is similar or even less in communities that doesn’t have artificial fluoridated water compared to the ones that have fluoride add to the water. This study conducted forty years ago is one considerable evidence that fluoridating the water isn’t strongly necessary nowadays to prevent tooth decay, considering that the access to fluoridated products, such as toothpaste, mouthwash and

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