
The New Age : Pros And Cons Of Facebook

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The New Age: The Pros and Cons of Facebook in Health Care Jerkis Fong CUNY School of Professional Studies The New Age: The Pros and Cons of Facebook in Health Care We have reached a new technological era. An era in which phones, computers, and tablets run our lives. Anywhere you go, you can easily spot a person on their phone, or tablet. These devices have become indispensable. With new technological devices come social media. Social media has been defined by Wikipedia as “computer-mediated tools that allow people, companies and other organizations to create, share, or exchange information, career interests, ideas, and pictures/videos in virtual communities and networks” (Wikipedia, 2016). “Social networking sites (SNS) are now part of everyday life, and SNSs such as Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter are among the most accessed Web sites on the Internet” (Ahmed, Sullivan, Schneiders, Anderson, Paton, & Mccrory, 2013). These social platforms are allowing individuals to interact with each other on a daily basis. Schools, churches, artists, and anything you could think of may have a Facebook page. What about healthcare? Should patients be able to use Facebook for their health needs? Technology has taken over the healthcare system, and it is revolutionizing quickly. It would not be a surprise if Facebook takes over the health care system any time soon, but are there any drawbacks to this? What could the benefits be? The objective of this paper is to explain some of

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