
The New Testament Of Jesus Christ The Savior

Decent Essays

Starting in the years of Jesus Christ the savior, a parable is a widely used term in the Christian religion. A parable is known as a story mainly used in the New Testament of Christianity. The purpose of a parable is to portray some kind of moral meaning or to teach a lesson. This is commonly done in the New Testament with a reading from one of the Apostles. These parables, commonly found in the scriptures were usually told by Matthew, Mark, Luke or John, four of the apostles. The main focus was to illustrate a lesson of morals and values. A lot of these stories told in the gospel are said to be simple, but create a visual image in the audience 's head. Although they may be simple to comprehend, the messages are very deep in meaning and are said to have a spirituality to them. Even some of the shorter parables have been known to impact a person’s morality, but not as much extremity of the longer more in depth stories of the scriptures. One of the most known parables, by Luke 10:25-67, is the reading of “The Good Samaritan”. It is very deep and thoughtful in its meaning and can be seen as the top notch lesson in all of the scriptures. It all started by a lawyer questioning Jesus to what he could do to be saved and earn salvation to the holy land after death, being Heaven. Jesus being the figure he was, told the story known as “The Good Samaritan” and what he would have to do. He started off by talking about a man who had been on a journey from Jerusalem to the town of

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