
The New Testament

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Proving the New Testament
Are the copies in existence today an accurate representation of the original copies of the New Testament? There are many facts and studies that prove this claim to be true contrary to popular belief by non-Christians and other religions alike. There are at least three reasons that it can be know with certainty that the New Testament in existence today is an accurate representation of the originals. Including the amount of copies, age, and determining that the variants within the Bible do not make a difference. In an interview with Bruce Metzger, PH.D, Dr. Metzger points out many facts and statistics that help prove that the New Testament in existence today is certainly an accurate representation of the original …show more content…

Past president of the Society of biblical literature, the international society for the New Testament studies and the North American Patristic Society." (Strobel 73-74)
One of the most well known arguments a skeptic will use is “How can we actually know what the Bible authors actually wrote, all we have is copies of copies?” Metzger would argue that all of these copies are actually quite useful. Since, there are so many manuscripts that can help to cross-reference copies and create a better depiction of what the original would say. With all of the copies and differing languages, this makes the cross-referencing even stronger. The book with next highest amount of manuscripts is Homer’s Iliad, which is the equivalent of the Bible to the ancient Greeks, with only 650 manuscripts to cross-reference. The 5,000 Greek manuscripts of the Bible alone make the 650 manuscripts of the Iliad seem minuscule. (Strobel)
Metzger further explains that there are many different kinds of manuscripts and they can vary from what they are written on to the languages they were written in. The earliest of the manuscripts were written on papyrus. This is important because of the papyrus being an older type of parchment, and helps to show the age. The later manuscripts were written on parchment made from the skin of a variety of animals. Some of the

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