
The O ' Reilly Factor Essay

Better Essays

Bill O’ Reilly is the host of the critically acclaimed “The O’Reilly Factor”. The O’Reilly Factor is a show that airs every weekday night at 7 P.M. that mainly focuses on covering political news. It airs on Fox News which is mainly a right wing, conservative network. O’Reilly, himself is a conservative and is known for bashing President Obama on the way he leads our country. He has been on air for over 30 years and has even won an Emmy for “The O’Reilly Factor”. Killing Lincoln is a timeline leading up to the assassination of President Lincoln on April 15, 1865. The main purpose this book was written was to show the reader the events of Lincoln’s assassination in chronological order so that the reader could get a better understanding of what actually took place when he was assassinated. Because the book was written in chronological order, it is very easy to follow along the timeline of events. President Lincoln’s assassination was a monumental event in our country’s history that deserved to have a well written book documenting every single detail. O’Reilly did a tremendous job documenting these events for the reader to analyze and comprehend. Part one of Killing Lincoln begins on the battlefield. President Lincoln actually enjoyed being close to the action. He would travel to places like Virginia to watch some of the battles from a distance. The civil war was fought very differently than wars are fought today. Soldiers marched in lines and fought head-to-head, much

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