
The Oecd ( 2011, 103 ) Defines Social Capital As Being Network Together With Shared Norms, Values

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The OECD (2011: 103) defines social capital as being “networks together with shared norms, values and understandings that facilitate co-operation within or among groups”. In realising this definition the OECD is promoting an ideal societal structure where family and friends are considered as offering value to the lives of others. Here, the term is concerned with the acquisition and perpetuation of a series of values and ethics that promote societal cultural norms. This approach is not dissimilar to the practice definition that is used by UK governmental departments; this includes the Office for National Statistics (ONS) (2015) which sees social capital in a similar light but where a community spirit strengthens interpersonal associations between friends, family, and neighbours. The ONS furthers the usage of this domestic definition to incorporate the potential realisation of “health, higher educational achievement, better employment outcomes, and lower crime rates” (ONS, 2015: n.p.). Because of this approach it is believed that extensive community based associations possess additional outcomes in relation to a healthy, happier life. In effect, social capital can be seen as being a vehicle from which it is possible that people are capable of leading fulfilling lives. This can be achieved via building, bridging and linking varying aspects of social capital towards the creation of a communal sense of belonging because of the association between community belonging and a sense

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