
The On Being An Atheist

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“Most theists do not come to believe in God as a result of reflecting on the proofs, but come to religion as a result of other reasons and factors.” (McCloskey, H.J., “On Being an Atheist”. Question 1. February 1968.) To simply say that God exists “because” is not a valid argument of proof by any means. To say that God exists because that’s what you were taught or because someone told you it was right, or because some event that you believe he saved you from is also invalid. McCloskey argues that theists do not necessarily back up their arguments of God’s existence with valid prods or evidence. Simply saying something “is” does not mean it exists. Forman states that theists should back up their beliefs with arguments based on the possibility that they could be defeated. Meaning there are arguments that could be presented to argue his believes but that he has yet to hear an argument that invalidates his belief/stance in/on God. Foreman states that based on the world around us we have all seen evidence of God’s existence Foreman argues the “minimalists qualities of God,” meaning, what are the minimal concepts that ate believable to prove God’s existence Foreman states that the criteria for this would be the creator of the universe, has intelligence and intelligence behind it. That it’s a morally perfect being, that it’s a personal being. He believes that these attributes of a being are the attributes of God. He argues that we should not true to “prove” God’s existence because

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