
The On The Ass Situation

Decent Essays

Before I got myself into this pain in the ass situation, as I had stated before, I had organized a group of people who were against the vampire’s practice. Oddly enough, only the people who were at risk were involved. The “normal” people could give less of a damn about what happened to us. They saw us as a waste of space and because their conscience told them that they should not see us as a waste of space, they were scared to even make eye contact with us. Some people did not even have a conscience and even told us to do the world a favor and just kill ourselves. Although the comments and looks that people gave us were like salted knives in our hearts, we held back our tears and made the hurtful comments into our motivation to make the …show more content…

She made eye contact with me and had conversations with me. Needless to say, I did not burn the house that she lived in down to the floor. Just because her father was an advocate for the sacrifices, did not mean she supported them. Not only did she not support them, but she was strongly against it. She said that this was partially due to the fact that she is a doctor. She does not want to see lives taken and has a strong urge to help humans live life to their fullest and to save as many lives as she can. I believed her.
Before meeting her, I hated all vampires. I thought that they were all evil and corrupt but Jessica made me think that, just like humans, not every vampire is bad. Not every vampire supports the sacrifices. She made me think that vampires could love and be loved. I fell in love with her. I chased her. I made myself into a girl that she would like. I started liking things that I had never been interested in just because she said that she thought it was cute when girls did those things. For example, I would pretend to not understand a concept and would ask her to explain it when in reality, I understood every concept that we talked about. Although we were from completely different worlds, we were able to progress. We overcame our differences and began to embrace each other’s flaws. Many people opposed our relationship. They would tell us that we were not meant to be and that our relationship would never

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