
The Other Side Cover Analysis

Decent Essays

Do you know how the holocaust started? It started when Adolf Hitler judged the Jews by their religion. The theme in “The Other Side” is don’t judge a book book by its cover. One reason is shown when Clover didn’t judge Annie by the color of her skin. Another reason is how mama judged Annie by the color of her skin because it had always been that way. Finally, it shows how her friends judged Annie by the color of her skin without knowing her. The theme is don’t judge a book by it’s cover.

The theme don’t judge a book by its cover shows when Clover didn’t judge Annie by the color of her skin. One way I know this is because, Clover was curious about Annie and wanted to sit on the fence. It showed that she didn’t let the color of Annie’s skin make her think different about Annie. Also, Clover was kind . For instance, She was open to being friends with Annie, unlike Sandra. That showed that she was kind even though different she was from Annie. Finally, she played with Annie and was happy and …show more content…

This is shown when Clover didn’t judge Annie by the color of her skin even though everybody else did. Specifically how mama judged Annie by the color of her skin because it had always been that way. Furthermore, it showed in how her friends judged Annie by the color of her skin without knowing her, but after they got to know her they finally accepted her. The theme is don’t judge a book by it’s cover. Don’t judge a book by its cover means if you looked at a person you wouldn’t know their personality because they would not be wearing a shirt that tells their personality like “I’m racist” or “I’m kind”. But instead get to know them before judging them.This is good because then people won’t be racist anymore. This is bad when people do it because it makes people sad and it is how the Holocaust started when Hitler judged the Jews because of their religion. But that’s a whole different story to

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