
The Patriots: The American Revolution

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The american revolution was a world conflict. how was this a world conflict you ask. this war has many story to it told viewed by different sides. one was the Spaniard, the others were the French, and the last one is the patriots. Each of them fought Great Britain but tell the different sides of the story. Many say that the Patriots fought the big and great Britain by themselves, to sound more heroic no our side. the rally one is that the one of the worlds power jump in the chase that Britain had with Washington,that was Spain.Then afterward the the French jumped in the fight against Britain. This way had trouble chasing down Washington they had their mind set on get Washington only, they were not expecting for Spain and the French to get in the fight. The only reason why the British had ships, soldiers, and fleets of their army head to the thirteen colonies was because of their act of rebelling against them. that is why the Patriots play the big an important part of this story. the Patriots use a new tactic of a new type of warfare and they use it against the British army. They would hide and wait for them to pass and then they came from where they were hiding and attack the British, but the Patriots added a little piece to it. The Patriots add a “hit’n’run” to it, they would hit the British when …show more content…

Britain had a three step plan on taking over the thirteen colonies and one of the plans was to take the Mississippi river. That is where Spain come in and completely stops them from winning it all. They hold the off at the river and the other half of the Spain army go through Florida and try to take it back from the British. The Spaniard were still mad from the war they had with Britain not so long ago, that is the reason why the jump in the first place to get revenge and take back what is

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