
The Pearl

Decent Essays

The Pear Book Report
Alejandro Gonzalez
5th period
“Letter to the Author”

The Pearl, written by John Steinbeck, takes place in La Paz Mexico. The begins with a description of the family in the first few pages of the book. The family consists of, a couple, and one toddler. Juana, the wife of Kino, and mother of Coyotito.
After the description of the family, the book continues with a scary problem. Coyotito is sleeping and as he is sleeping, Kino notices a scorpion crawl down the rope that is connected to the hanging box Coyotito lies on. Kino attempts to catch the scorpion but Coyotito moves and makes the scorpion fall on him. Although, Kino eventually kills the scorpion, sadly Coyotito was still stung by the scorpion.
The couple and a couple of neighbors, rush Coyotito to the local doctor. The doctor refused to treat Coyotito because the family could not afford to treat Coyotito. Kino and Juana leave the doctors and take Coyotito down near the sea, where Juana uses a seaweed poultice on Coyotito's shoulder, which is now swollen. Kino then jumps from his canoe for oysters in an attempt to find pearls. Kino eventually finds a surprisingly large oyster. When he opens the oyster, he soon finds out there is a large pearl that is worth more than he can count.
Reading through the book, I noticed that they rarely used figurative language. Let's be honest, figurative language is way more entertaining then with a book or passage with no figurative language. The book is still well written with an entertaining plot in my opinion and maybe there is figurative language but I haven't noticed since the book is over 50 years old. Let's get back to the story.
Kino puts back his head and howls, causing the other pearl divers to look up and race toward Kino's canoe.
Soon, everyone in La Paz finds out that Kino has found such an amazing pearl. The doctor who refused to treat Coyotito decides to visit Kino. Kino's neighbors begin to feel bitter toward him for his good fortune, but neither Kino nor Juana realize this feeling they have engendered.
Kino’s brother, Juan Thomas, asks Kino what he will do with his fortune. Kino responded saying he will probably use it for a wedding in a church. He claims that he will send Coyotito to

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