
The Perfect Guy Analysis

Decent Essays

The Perfect Guy By Trevian Hardeman, Deontae Smith, Keith Smith, and Javontavius Scott Based on a continuation from Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis IV:
Grete and her parents sat in the truck as they drove on the countryside road. Grete looked out the window as she winds her window down to feel the countryside breeze coming from the east. Grete looked out the window at the river on the landscape, Cows walked across the plains. Grete said,” It’s quiet out here….it’s peaceful.” Mr. Samsa turned around as he said,” I got a job at the farm I start today...will you be fine helping your mother place the furniture in the house?” Grete looked over at her dad as she said,” I’ll be fine.” Mr. Samsa drove on the dirt path towards the house. Mr. Samsa got out the car as everyone followed. Mr. Samsa pulled their luggage out of the truck as Grete and her mother walked onto the porch. Mrs. Samsa opened the door as they walked in. Grete looked around as she was amazed by the curved stairs to the second floor of the house. The wooden floor complimented the house perfectly as they looked at the wooden walls. Mr. Samsa brought the luggage into the house. Grete walked up to a bedroom as she looked around. Mrs. Samsa walked in as she said,” Everything fine?” Grete said,” This room is nice mother, where’s your room.” Mrs. Samsa looked at Grete as she had a smirk on her face. “You’re standing in it,” said Mrs. Samsa. Grete looked at her mother awkwardly as she said,” Well, where’s my room?”

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