Children are supremely important asset and the nation’s future lives in their proper development. An investment in children is indeed an investment in nation’s future. A healthy and educated child of today is the active and intelligent citizen of tomorrow. A single child is a person with no siblings either biological or adopted. The single child faces more psychological and psycho social problems as compared to those have siblings. Generally says only child as spoilt and selfish kids. Due to less social interaction these children face problems in expressing themselves and have an introvert nature. This leads to an uncomfortable situation for the child emotional. The study aims to understand the psychosocial problems faced by single child. This study highlighted the psychological problems, social problems, educational problems, relationship with society, and life adjustment problems of single child. The descriptive design was used and the sampling method was convenience sampling. The frequency table and diagrams was used for analysis. The suggestions were given to the parents in order to make the single child free from psycho social problems and to improve the self esteem and self confidence. Key words: single child, problem INTRODUCTION According to Adlerian theory, only children take on the characteristics of both the firstborn and the youngest. Showered with attention by their parents, only children of ten expect to be universally admired. Yet they learn to rely on
In 2002, number of children living with their single parent was 16.5 million (Davidson). The most important thing is that each single-parent family is different from the other. Children who live with a widowed mother will definitely be living a different home life from children with divorced parents or the one whose parents were never married. Children of the parents who were divorced will always have some kind of relationship with parents and parents’ partners. But it is obvious that children from single-parent families face tougher times economically as well as
According to Alfred Adler, the birth order of the children in a family will largely affect how they age and the personalities which they will form. First borns enter the family as the only child. They revel in the love and full attention from their parents, that is, until the second baby comes along. Suddenly, first borns are dethroned and lose the undivided attention they are used to receiving. As a result, they tend to develop a strong sense of responsibility and protectiveness over their siblings at an early age, which often leads to them becoming authoritative adults. Moreover, when there are multiple children in the family, parents will set high
Being a single child means you will likely receive a lot of attention, however many children may turn to self harm or other behavior after upsetting those parents as they have no one else to turn to (Document F). A survey conducted in China shows that 58% of teenagers to young adults feel lonely, and others describe themselves as selfish (Document F). Many of these unfortunate traits have links to the one child policy and can cause many societal
Socially and Emotionally the family is a big influence in a child’s development. Parents have a big role by providing care and guidance for their development. Unfortunately some families cannot promote the development of a child because of the conflict among the parents. A single parent can have difficulties in boosting a better development in children and young people, sometimes a child is separated from its siblings and this can affect them too.
Father-only family was what hit me at the age of 12. This was due to the sudden death of my mother due to an unknown cause. It has not been easy with my father, myself and my siblings also had a course that experienced mother only family but regardless of sexy single parents share similar problems and challenges. The challenges of parenthood because too challenging and loneliness anxiety and depression set-in welfare child care reflect disapproval of families needing public support single parent family in particulars in Nigeria people see them as taboo as they are deviant and threat to the social
Through many years, children growing up in single family homes has been discovered as problems. “At first glance, defending single mothers and their children. Raised by a strong and resourceful single mother, I turned out OK” (Wilcox). Being raised up with one parent seems to be stressful and impossible, but for decades its become possible to happen. In the society today, there are children growing up overcoming emotional stages and achieving their goals whether if they have both parents to show them difficult paths in their life that they will overcome as a growing human being. The problems that occurs within raising a child in a single family home compared to a married home can be different or the same depending on the disciplinary actions. There are many questions asked, does a child need both parent figures to be raised? Does a son need a father figure, does a daughter need a mother figure? Among all the questions asked, is there a person taking care the main responsible with much undertaking, on the single parenting topic it has become an interesting argument. People need to be more informed with raising a child. Raising a child does not rely on the structure of a family, it is more to how a parent is discipline and having a proper process of teaching their child with learning how to be mature and respectful. Children of a single home can be progressive with the same emotional, social able, and interactive behavioral skills that is raised with both parents.
Thesis: To understand that there are many parents raising their children alone with no help at all. Many single parents have different circumstances that cause them to raise their children by themselves. Being a single parent is not easy there are good days and bad days and most single parents must make it through no matter what. Many single parents do not realize that their children are looking at them for the rest of their lives.
The order in which a child was born into his family affects the personality of the child. There are oldest, middle, youngest and only child personalities, which affect the character and future of the child. Although it does not apply to all cases, most children fall into their category. Alfred Adler, an Austrian psychiatrist was the first to come up with the theory that the order that a child was born into his family affects his or her personality. Their placement can affect everything the child does throughout his life; his decisions, choices and personality in general.
From the very moment a person is born, they are subject to judgment. While this unconscious social labeling may seem unwarranted, it still exists and how a person is perceived can be traced to something very specific in many cases. The specific thing is birth order and how it affects one’s awareness of their self and others. Alfred Adler was considered to be the initial researcher of birth order, with theories of how a child’s birth rank affected their development, not only physically but mentally (Franz Description). Birth order within society has a positive effect on personality development, health, and education.
From the perspective of modern psychology, the extent to which Adler’s theory about the order of birth is scientific is highly debatable. Many of his concepts are not measurable or manipulable, and his variable are neither physical nor behavioral. Adler did not consider measurement or an experimental approach in general as the most efficient approach to
There is no doubt that both children and parents from single-parent families would more or less with some emotional, personality and interpersonal problems. This reflective paper that not aim to go further to explore the above symptoms and related impacts in their life or society. Instead, I would like to go further and modify what single-parents should aware and point out some ideas that what the families, school and our society could do, for the purpose of
Parenting styles have had many controversial issues over the decades. The way people raised their children back in the 50’s and 60’s are completely different from today society. Back then they believe in the nuclear family, which is a family with a mom, dad, and children. They believe staying together at all cost. If something was breaking or broken you fixed it. At times you wonder if they stayed for love, money, or just for the sake of the children. Now and days it is not the same. Families are broken up for many reasons. Rather it be by death, the other parent wanting out (such as divorce). But in the end there is always a single parent left to take care of the kids in most situations. When something like this happens a negative connotation is brought to the single parent. This paper would show the effects of being raised by a single parent. Just like everything in life there is a good and bad side to everything. So in this paper you should learn the negative and positive effect of being raised by a single parent. The problem of the matter is that society tends to write off the child of single parents. Stating that they are lead down this road of destruction and grouping the entire single parent raised children without seeing the other side. Not saying that being raised by a single parent does not come with it hardships, but the fact is that there is still hope for those children and they can do very well. By always stating the negative it leaves the
During the years, single parent families have become a more common thing. This is starting to become a problem, because family dynamics can really influence a child’s life. According to studies it affects not only the child but the parents too.
The birth order position can have a profound effect on the character development of the child. Within the birth order position is the only child, the oldest, and the youngest. According to Adlerian Psychology, the only child makes up the majority of the patients. They are pampered and made to believe that they are the most beautiful, intelligent, and most important person on earth. It is important to teach an only child courage in order
For the first five years of my childhood, I was raised in a single parent home. My mother would have to work harder to provide anything that was needed for me and my other siblings. But that changed when my father came back into our lives when I turned six. From that point on our family structure took a drastic change for the better. My mother didn't have to work as long as before, so we were able to see her more often. Having two parents at home caused the quality of our lives become better than it was before when only one parent supported us. For many households, however the reality is that only one parent during their upbringing. This does have a rather big effort on them in the life of the child and the parent who is raising the child. A single parent household harms the parent and the child.