
The Pilgrims In Colonial America

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In the 17th century, many individuals from England travelled to America in the north-eastern states to settle due to the growth of religion in the American colonies. The pilgrims and puritans were groups of people that came to the American Colonies, from England to escape the English church due to their respective beliefs on religious freedom. While Pilgrims wanted to divide the churches, the puritans wanted to help it, however both came to America then. Their disagreements are what separated the different states of New England today. A century later, as the colonies began to become states, many philosophers of the 18th century, began informing people of the enlightenment happening. One philosopher being Isaac Newton, who today is known around …show more content…

The Pilgrims landed in America in 1620 while the Puritans joined them in 1629. In looking at how the Pilgrims/Puritans viewed religion and their want for freedom, is contrasting to what some of the philosophers in the 18th century believed. One of being famous physicist, Isaac Newton. Newton, who is widely known as one of the most influential scientists of all time said, “the universe is not a mystery moving at the whim of an inscrutable God, but a mechanism operating by a rational formula that can be understood by any intelligent person” (331-332). With his mathematical ability, he offered a law that accounted for the movement of everything on earth as it is today. On the other hand, the Pilgrims did not see this same view on religion. As they did not want to have common religious rituals, they were discriminated for it along with the Puritans and that is what led them to depart England. They believed in religion and one true God and that God designed a perfectly operating universe established according to scientific law. They continue to go on about how that God withdrew himself after creating that universe, and no longer has direct contact with man’s affairs (332). While both Newton and the English settlers have their beliefs, they have very contrasting views on religion. If you analyze the settlers ideas, we see that if the universe operate by natural laws, then human society would be the same idea. During this time, the technology that we have today was non-existent. As wild as that may seem for a person of the 21st century, this allowed people to have real thought out ideas of how the world ran to whether it was flat or round. This allowed real theories to start triggering the mind of young philosophers making an impact on today’s

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