
The Pl Analysis Of The Sicn Structure Of P. C. S. Thin Films

Decent Essays

Although the idea of luminescent SiCN structure was initiated in a previous master project where the ICPCVD system was employed, the parameters to fabricate luminescent SiCN thin films have not been established by the time of starting this thesis. Therefore, first, it was required to calibrate the deposition parameters to find the composition of the SiCN films exhibited luminescent. This involves a significant number of film depositions, the system maintained and troubleshooting of the plasma-assisted ultra-high vacuum deposition systems as well as some multitude characterization techniques. The results of this work have been accepted to publish in “Thin Solid Films” journal (#4) and were presented at the 211th Meeting of the …show more content…

Another under preparation article will wrap up the comprehensive study of mechanical and electrical aspects of this less studied material which is currently being drafted. Overall, the applicant had the leading role in all the accepted and under review contributions except #2 and #6. These contributions were built on multitude material characterization techniques and their associated interpretations. In addition, I carried out all aspects of the study including hypothesis development, the design of experiments, calibration, sample preparation, measurements, and contributed to drafting and structuring of all manuscripts in this category. Other co-authors assisted with a few number of experiments and have not contributed to the interpretation of the data and drafting or editing of these manuscripts as they left the academia by the time these papers were developed. This excludes the applicant’s supervisor (Dr. Mascher) who conceived the project and contributed to both scientific and stylistic edits of these manuscripts. The aforementioned projects with regards to understanding the process parameters of

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