
The Power Of Free Will In Oedipus The King

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Fate or as others may know it, destiny, is a person’s predetermined path in life. Those who meddle with it by following their own free will are defying their true purpose in life. The following words of the author, Anthon St. Maarten, “ failing to meet your true destiny is a tragic act of free will”, reveals how the characters in Sophocles’ play Oedipus The King lose their true destiny. In ancient Greece, it was believed that fate was a rudimentary part of daily life. Destiny had been believed to be a path given by the gods themselves towards humankind. This path was portrayed upon people by oracles, a priest or priestess that would act as a medium of god with whom they would deliver a prophecy upon a person. To oppose one's own destiny is as same as one to oppose the gods themselves. The characters, Oedipus, Laius, and Jocasta all oppose their fate and abuse their own power of free will which leads to their downfall in the play.

Firstly, there is Laius, the King of Thebes, although not having any dialogue in the play, still provides an incredible amount of information towards the understanding of the results of opposing fate itself. Laius and his wife, Queen Jocasta, had a baby boy and following the common tradition, Laius went to an oracle, the Oracle of Delphi, to discuss the destiny that his son, Oedipus, had been given by the gods. Upon meeting with the oracle, Laius discovers that Oedipus’ destiny is that “[he is] destined to murder his father [Laius] and marry his

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