
The Prayer Closet : The Spirit Of The Land

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I have spent hours in the prayer closet, seeking His will…praying for wisdom way beyond my years and discernment concerning this trip. Begging for direction and revelation. Earnestly seeking truth. This is what I believe He showed me last night and now I am praying for verses to confirm this…I only want to pray His will…. Candace and I will be operating with the spirit of Elijah, to usher in the revival of the land so that their hearts will be turned and they will be reconciled with the Jewish people. The spirit of Elijah is before the anointing of Elisha, who brings about restoration of the land. I Kings 19.. under Elisha, Jezebel was ruling and was judged… The religious spirit of Baal will be fought through this anointing. Malachi 4:4-6 …show more content…

This statue is considered an act of worship to Baal-ultimately Jezebel. The base is constructed on sun rays to worship the Egyptian god of sun and ultimately a god called Isis. Basically, we are up against huge demonic forces: Jezebel, Baal and Isis. Ultimately the last nation and most powerful one which will cause the whole world to fall, Babylon. As we operate in the spirit of Elijah, we need to pray for the turning back of the children to their Father…we need to pray for the restoration of the land, for the physical destruction of the statue of liberty which symbolizes worship to these foreign gods. “Whatever is bound in heaven will be bound on earth”. Elijah prayed fervently for a famine and because of His faith, the Lord granted his request. We need to pray for a double anointing of his spirit…to pray against witchcraft and Jezebel’s lust for power and one world order. We need to be extremely careful that we don’t pray against powers that we have no business touching….that we only go where the spirit leads us….Babylon and Jezebel are the strongest powers to go up against. James 5:16,17. "The intense prayer of the righteous is very powerful. Elijah was a man with a nature like ours; yet he prayed earnestly that that it would not rain, and for three years and six months it did not rain on the land." There you go. Elijah had a human nature just like ours, but he prayed and believed God and that was that.

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