
The Prayer Of The Pharisees

Decent Essays

Something that God spoke to me through my devotions one morning this semester was that knowledge without action is dead, and that action in my life will lead to action in the lives of others. We were reading through Matthew 23 and 24, and in verses 3-4 of chapter 23 it says, referring to the Pharisees, “…so do and observe whatever they tell you, but not the work they do. For they preach, but do not practice. They tie up heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to move them with their finger.” I already knew this was the attitude of the Pharisees, but this particular morning I felt like God was opening my eyes to how I can apply this passage in my own life. Not only do I need to …show more content…

In addition to that sort of thing, I have noticed a few issues in the world and in ministry today that I believe need to be addressed. The first is a distorted view of who God is. There are so many people today that are angry with God or even believe that God is angry with them, or they see God as this harsh and demeaning God who simply demands us to follow all sorts of rules and regulations. I believe that this is one of the biggest issues, in and beyond the American culture that people have with God. Unfortunately, we as Christians misrepresent God all of the time, and this gives those that do not know Christ a very distorted view of God and what His character is like. Rather than seeing God’s character of love and truth, they see rules, regulations, inconsistencies, and so on and so forth. This must change. To help rid people of this inaccurate view of who God is, it is vital to walk through the salvation story with them. I learned in my Polity class about how the salvation story is all throughout Scripture. Not only can we see this in the New Testament, but it is throughout the entire Old Testament as well. This is something that I had never realized before, but once I did I was able to see how God truly desires relationship with us. Relationship is huge with God. This is not because He is in some way lacking relationship – for there is perfect relationship within the Trinity – but, because of His character of love, He desires for us to

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