
The Preclinical Pharmacology Core

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Mission Statement:
The mission of the Preclinical Pharmacology Core is to assist investigators in refining and improving the drug-like characteristics of novel small molecule compounds and to provide a resource for evaluating the in vitro and in vivo pharmacokinetic behavior of novel and existing small molecule therapeutics. The Preclinical Pharmacology Core has established assays to evaluate in vitro drug toxicity and specificity against a wide-panel of tumor cell lines, in vitro drug stability using both human and animal hepatocytes, microsomes, and S9 fractions, drug solubility and formulation for in vivo work, plasma protein binding, and inhibition of cytochrome p450 drug metabolizing enzymes. The Core additionally has experience in administering investigational compounds to multiple species by various routes (IV, IP, PO, SC) to evaluate both in vivo toxicology and drug pharmacokinetics and when requested to help with studies to evaluate drug efficacy in models ranging from simple subcutaneous or orthotopic tumor models, to diet induced obesity, and skin irritation models. Finally, the Core has established relationships with several pharmacology contract research organizations for evaluation of off-target interactions of more advanced compounds such as hERG binding and genotoxicity.
The Preclinical Pharmacology Core is located in two contiguous labs (L4.244/L4.245) on the 4th floor of the Building (“L” Building) within the Biochemistry Department. The

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