
The Prepper Movement: Is Prepping a New Trend? Essay

Decent Essays

The Prepper Movement
Is Prepping a New Trend? Today, Americans who fear scenarios such as an economic collapse, a nuclear war, an EMP, or a natural disaster continue preparing themselves for, “the end.” There are people who believe “The Prepping Movement” is a new Trend. If we look back to October 29, 1929 which is considered today, “Black Tuesday,” when the stock market crashed and caused the Great Depression. American’s responded in panic, rushing to the banks still open in fear of losing their life savings. The effect of this economic collapse was detrimental to America. Currently people of the United States have become more dependent on technology than the people in 1929. How would the people of this country react if the lights went …show more content…

‘I've been a first responder to robberies, rapes, homicides…’I've seen what human beings are capable of. Unfortunately, evil exists.’ Due to the over the top prepper [The ones people are calling crazy] featured on doomsday prepppers, it has given people a misconception about all preppers (Starr). They are people like you and me and say they sleep very well at night knowing they are prepared for almost anything. They are not exaggerative such as half of the preppers on the show. This is for rating and entertainment purposes. The Southwick men, who have also been featured on the show, know how to hunt, but they are not excited about eating squirrel (Starr). Doomsday Preppers is not the only show getting the attention from viewers. Other shows featured on cable television, such as Man VS. Wild and Surviving Alaska [some of the toughest and most extreme survivalist] (NatGeo Wild), and Doomsday Bunkers are some of the other series have become very popular in recent years. The question is, what is causing a sudden rise of learning how to survive in case a disaster unfolds? According to the documentary Patriocracy, today political news stations such as Fox News and MSNBC aren’t reporting factual information. These news stations are merely talk shows made to look as if they were legitimate News stations. These “Talk show hosts,” do not do all of the leg work to obtain factual information, but gather information from other legitimate news anchors. The only

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