
The Prevention Of Natural Disasters

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“The prevention of natural disasters and reducing their impact is a one of the twenty issues considered the most important and urgent global issues in the 21 century. This issue increases and causes great suffer to the level that the global procedures to reduce disasters must to be done… the repetition of the disasters has forced it to be a responsibility of international community”
J.F. Richard (2002) High Noon: Twenty Global Issues, Twenty Years to Solve Them.

People’s well-being is influenced greatly by the larger freedoms within which they live and by their ability to respond to and recover from adverse events—natural or human-made. Resilience underpins any approach to securing and sustaining human development
(human development report. )

This paper discusses the background and significance of the community based risk reduction program developed by the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) society in 2006. It also describes the first pilot project implemented by SARC in 2007.
Disasters, community vulnerability, development and risk reduction :
Between late 199s and early 2000s, natural disasters have affected 2.5 billion people and caused more than US$ 400 billion of damage (pdf ifrc weather). While climate change is a key determinant, other factors such as extreme poverty, environmental degradation, rural to urban migration and over-exploitation of natural resources have greatly increasing risk, vulnerability and underdevelopment (Oxfam). The dynamic interplay of

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