
The Problem Of A Healthy Community

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Which scenario is more suitable for sustaining a healthy community, meeting the needs of the many or the needs of the few? One could reconcile with all for one and one for all. I wonder how often this question haunts the minds of the Omela people. There comes a time in every Omela’s life when one is informed of the dark secret hidden in a small, locked room. Hidden in plain sight is a young, feebile child stripped from his family and freedom, spending treacherous days sitting in a dark, lonely room for the sake of Omela’s happiness and luxuries. The thought of living in a civilization that sacrifices the quality of life for one child to satisfy one’s own pleasure sinks into the pit of my stomach. Some choose to trade in beauty and prosperity for a destiny that is unknown; the knowing strictly belongs to those who have made it out of Omela. I would too choose to leave Omela but not alone and not without a fight. Staying in this town would mean standing amongst a group of people who refuse to stand up for what is good, only to protect the self-centered comfort and vain beauties of life; this is something that I simply will not do. With my decision of departing Omela, many questions come to mind. What if we all decided to walk away? Does anyone ever think about this, or is the majority too comfortable in their way of living to care? I surely have no answer to these questions, but I do know why it will serve me well to leave Omela; if I leave the sacrificed child would be

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