Main problem: Chronic Hepatitis C
Hepatitis is a systemic disease primarily involving the liver, the term is used to construe inflammation of the liver. One of the main forms of Hepatitis is Hepatitis C; an RNA virus and uses liver cells to create copies of itself, killing those cells in the process. Prior to the identification of the infection in 1989 it was labelled “non-A, non-B” hepatitis (1). HCV blood-borne virus that predominantly infects the cells of the liver and advances to liver inflammation. It ultimately results in cirrhosis and primary liver cell cancer (2). It affects an estimated 130-150 million people globally with around 350,000 to 500,000 people dying each year from hepatitis C-related liver diseases. (3)
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With haemodialysis, health care work and prenatal is the lowest at 5%. Primarily the route of transmission in the developed world is intravenous drug use (IDU), whereas in the developing world the main causes are blood transfusions and unsafe medical procedures [11]
Figure 5[10] displays the prevalence of HCV in 1999, There is an indication that countries which are less economically developed have a higher prevalence compared to countries which are more economically developed[11].
Once infected with the virus there are two phases which the person would go through, the first phase is referred to as acute infection Figure 1[6] shows progression of the Hepatitis C infection stages. Acute infection is when the individual is newly infected; during this stage up to 25% of people infected with HCV clear the virus from their system during the first few months. Although they don 't have the virus active in their body they will still test positive for HCV antibodies because they have had the virus at some point in their life. Approximately 75% of people with acute HCV cannot clear the virus from their bodies, this results in the progression of the disease into phase 2 chronic infection. Figure 2[6] shows a visual representation of the stages of a healthy liver going through fibrosis and cirrhosis.
During the second phase of the virus, it will damage the liver tissue gradually, causing scar tissue called fibrosis to be assembled.
Hepatitis C is an inflammation of the liver’s cells and tissues caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV).
Regina is a 62-year-old female diagnosed with chronic viral Hepatitis C (B18.2) and is genotype 1a. She is treatment naïve. Her most recent lab results indicate HCV RNA 4,005,368 IU/mL, ALT 63, and AST 83. Regina’s CT scan shows a cirrhotic appearance of the liver.
Hepatitis C typically has a slower and more insidious onset. The preicteric phase, the first of three phases, precedes jaundice that last from 1 - 21 days. When symptom do occur they can be so vague that people often don't realize what is truly going on. People actually may mistake these symptoms as a mild case of the influenza virus as the symptoms of this phase often mimic the symptoms of the flu. The interic phase is characterized by the onset of jaundice that last 2 - 4 weeks. Urine often becomes dark and stool may be a abnormally light color, this is cause by the absence of bile in the stool. Bile pigment deposits in the skin can cause pruritus to occur. The liver often becomes enlarged and tender. During the third phase, the posticteric
The virus does not kill the infected cell, but triggers an immune inflammatory response that either clears the infection or slowly destroys the liver (Microbiology, 10e). There is about 70 to 80 days between infection
Recall the dreaded trips to the doctor’s office when it was time to get shots. These shots are vaccines, which provide immunity to certain diseases. You received vaccines for Tetanus, Hepatitis B, Measles and Polio. A vaccine you did not get though, is one for Hepatitis C. Hepatitis C is a disease that affects the way the liver operates, and although there is a vaccine for both Hepatitis A and B, there is not one for C. Hepatitis C affects the digestive system, more specifically the liver. It can also damage the central nervous system and the circulatory system. Blood tests are the most common way to detect Hepatitis C and after one has been diagnosed with it, there are many ways to treat it. Hepatitis C is a treatable disease with varying
Hepatitis means liver inflammation and refers to a group of viral infections, most commonly Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B,
The strain of genotypes is not differentiated by the severity of the disease. However, there will make a distinction in the regimen and the duration of the treatment (CDC, 2016). Treatment for chronic HCV is based on guidelines from the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) and the American Associations for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD). The criteria of who should receive the treatment include how much the virus in the body, the strain of hepatitis C, the degree of liver inflammation or damage, comorbidity, and response to previous treatment (Infectious Diseases Society of America [IDSA], 2016). The highest priority for treatment should give to a patient with advanced fibrosis and compensated cirrhosis (IDSA, 2016). Moreover, treatment priority should provide to the patient who has a high risk of transmitting the disease from and to others, such as individuals who are active injection drug users and hemodialysis patients (IDSA, 2016).
Receiving the death penalty is the worst and final penalty that the United States Justice System can administer, especially for those who are mentally ill. Many Americans are questioning the morality of executing mentally ill convicts, as well as the validity of the death penalty itself. These are the questions Americans should be asking, or at least putting some thought into. One might be surprised at how much knowledge one has about the death penalty and very surprised at the many things that are not often discussed. The following research will examine what the death penalty is, what constitutes mental illness, how people with mental illness do not always have knowledge of what they are receiving or doing, how people with mental illnesses do not all have access to quality treatment and rehabilitation, and finally, the cost to carry out the death penalty. Sentencing a mentally ill patient to death is unjust. The death penalty should not be applied to those with mental illness.
Hepatitis can be defined as the inflammation of the liver . It can be caused by toxins, certain drugs, some diseases, heavy alcohol use, bacterial and viral infections. The most common types of hepatitis are Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C. The similarities between theses hepatitis A, B, and C are they caused by viruses but only the viruses are different. Eventhough each type cause similar symptom of diseases, they actually are transmitted in different ways affect the liver in different way .Hepatitis A appears only as an acute or newly occurring infection and does not become chronic and the patient usually will improve without invasive treatment like hepatitis A and C .Hepatitis B and C also begin as acute infection but because
Hepatitis C is a disease which occurs in the liver that might occur only for a short time or it could be there as long as your lifetime. It usually comes from the Hepatitis C Virus, which occurs due to having a contact with an infected person’s blood.
Hepatitis C, is an infection of the blood caused by the Hepatitis C virus. While the Hepatitis virus is widely known to damage caused to the liver, it can also cause damage to the kidneys and other body organs as well since it is an infection in the blood. Hepatitis C is both acute and chronic meaning it can last 6 months and resolve on it 's own or it can last a lifetime. The family name Hepatitis includes Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B in name while each is a completely separate disease. Each separate disease is caused by a completely different virus and transmitted in differently.
When a doctor uses the term Hepatitis C or HCV, what comes to mind? Many people have little to no knowledge of what it is. Is it deadly? Is there a cure? Is it a virus or disease? There are many questions that enter the mind because there are many concerns associated with an unknown illness. Several people wonder if the virus is similar to hepatitis A or B because there has been education throughout the years that provides more awareness surrounding the two known viruses, but it is discovered there are vast differences. Until recently, the general population was unaware that another hepatitis virus acted as a silent killer. Unlike hepatitis A or B, hepatitis C is a relatively new disease that can go unnoticed until it is too late. The virus
Hepatitis C prevalence is higher in some countries in Africa and Asia. The report published by the Egyptian Demographic Health Survey (EDHS) stated that, in Egypt, there is an overall Anti-HCV antibody prevalence of 14.7% (estimated to be about 12 million individuals) and the number of Egyptians estimated to be chronically infected was 9.8% (about 8 million individuals )[8]. Hepatitis C virus represents the second most common blood-borne illness in the world, affecting up to 2% of the world’s population [9]. Data suggest that HCV infection should be regarded as a systemic infection with multi-organ involvement [10].
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