
The Problem Of Human Trafficking

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Though it may be receiving more attention in recent years, it could be argued that the complete magnitude of human trafficking is still not fully comprehended. Professor of Epidemiology, Rezaeian Mohsen, has stated that, “The ultimate intention of human trafficking is to give illegitimate power to a human being in order to force another human being to be a subject of modern slavery i.e. prostitution, sexual exploitation, forced labor, slavery, etc.” (Mohsen, 2016, p.36). This type of illegitimate power has the opportunity to thrive in a global economy where minimizing costs and maximizing profits is the ultimate goal. Globalization and regional integration have contributed to an environment in which human trafficking is not only the …show more content…

Human trafficking would not be an issue if there was not a market for it, therefore, the attitude that it is considered acceptable amongst a portion of society to purchase and sell humans needs to be addressed and harshly penalized. The creating of a single international law or adopting other effective measures in order to promote the cooperation between nations in the punishment and dissuasion of human trafficking. This would allow for a swift application of harsh penalties towards the offender, with the intention of punishment outweighing any potential reward in the criminal mind. The implementation of more local programs that inform and educate the public on human trafficking as well as ensure that the victims of trafficking receive appropriate assistance and protection could also be very effective. An unforgiving stance on various enabling offences, such as corruption or the forgery and theft of official documents needs to be tackled as well. “This has an indirect preventive effect, since it causes important tools of the traffickers to be less usable or accessible. As a result, the entire criminal project becomes harder and – at least potentially – more expensive, so that it loses part of its attraction” (Van Impe, 2000, p.123).
3. Possible Directions to Achieve Desired Change (250-300 words)
What is needed to achieve the vision of change and address the identified social problem?

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