
The Problem of Dense Breast Tissue Essay

Decent Essays

There are several confusing topics for women when it comes to their breast health such as how often they should be screened with a mammogram, what age to start getting their mammograms, or how often they should have a mammogram. One of the newer discussions that has emerged recently is if women should be told that they have dense breast tissue. Several states have even moved a step further and are mandating that women be told this information. I believe that the states should go beyond this when passing the law and require insurance companies to pay for supplemental testing of these women who fall into this category and have additional risk factors.
When a woman has dense breast tissue, this is not something that can be felt or seen …show more content…

There are several factors that contribute to having dense breast tissue. Some of these are related to age, genetics, hormone levels, how old a patient was when they first had a baby, the use of hormone replacement, or weight (Attai, 2014). Are you Dense Advocacy reports that overall, 40% of women fall into the dense category.
Radiologists have long been required to report the breast density of the patient in his or her report that is sent to the referring physician. Most physicians never communicated the breast density back to the patient. They knew that mammograms are governed by the Mammography Quality Standard Act (MQSA) and patients are required to get lay results of their mammogram, but the MQSA did not require them to be told of their breast density. Several states now require that patients be told of their breast density in these letters. In these letters patients are told what their results are along with a statement that says something similar to the 2013 State of Alabama law that says "Your mammogram shows that your breast tissue is dense. Dense breast tissue is very common and is not abnormal. However, dense breast tissue may make it harder to find cancer on a mammogram and may also be associated with an increased risk of breast cancer. This information about the result of your mammogram is given to you to raise your awareness. Use this information to talk to your doctor about your own risks for

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