
The Process Of Learning The Rubik's Cubes

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This week I am starting my final project. I have come to the conclusion that I will learn the Rubik’s cube in the next few weeks. Hopefully, I will be able to learn to complete it at the least and memorize the solution if possible. I went out and purchased a Rubik’s cube for about 15 dollars a few days ago. Of course I’ve already scrambled it and threw my sad attempt at accomplishing something without these foreign directions that come out of the box. I guess I can relate this to the process of converting to a new religion or being introduced to a new religion. It’s very confusing and overwhelming, being careful not to misinterpret anything at face value. I feel intimidated, but determined to learn this little three by three cube. Laziness …show more content…

I’ve already watched a few YouTube videos of beginner guides other enthusiasts have created. Sadly, being able to complete the Rubik’s cube in the future will not make me a Shaman. Hinduism is the main focus of this week. This is also the week I committed to learning the orientations of the Rubik’s cube and the terminologies I didn’t understand in the directions. I’ve had somewhat of an understanding of the direction, but still have a hard time performing the action correctly. For example, the instruction will say to rotate this side inverted (counter-clockwise) and I will misinterpret and just rotate it regular (clockwise). This is kind of like forgetting your rights from your lefts. This is frustrating because if one move is messed up everything you’ve done goes to waste and are forced to restart. The orientation labels and instruction are to the Rubik’s cube as the Vedas are to Hinduism. At this point I have the first two algorithms almost down, but struggle quite a bit with anything beyond that. The algorithms jump from being four notations to eight notations. I expect my learning progress from here out to be a little slower than how fast and easy it was for me this week. I just need to set some time to dedicate to learn the Rubik’s cube in the coming weeks so I do not procrastinate if I want to be able to complete the Rubik’s cube completely by memory. This week we touched a little on

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