
The Pros And Cons Of Addiction

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Addiction is the condition that occurs when a person ingests a substance such as alcohol, opiates, or nicotine; or engages in an activity such as gambling, sex, or shopping and allows the use or act to become compulsive and interfere with the function of life responsibilities, such as work, relationships, or health. Experts debate whether addiction is a "disease" or a true mental illness, whether drug dependence and addiction mean the same thing. Regardless of the argument, the increase in the drug addicted population and the continual rise in deficient metal health identification and treatment seem to go hand in hand. Individuals with mental illness often seek out drugs or behaviors to help them cope with their condition. The medical community …show more content…

There wasn’t a federal database monitoring prescriptions for controlled medications and duplicate refills. The lack of follow through by physicians and the failure to recognize the addiction or underlying mental health condition prevented patients from obtaining the necessary care in treatment programs they needed. The difficulties with access to programs, as well as poor continuity of care providers and treatment planning, created cracks in which a significant percentage of dually diagnosed patients were lost to follow-up or deteriorated to the point inpatient admission was necessary (Lambert, M. T. 2012). Research has identified numerous disparities in mental health and substance use disorders, particularly with regard to disease progression, severity, and treatment outcomes. At the same time, the addictions research field is increasingly identifying macro level influences on substance use, highlighting the importance of community, cultural, and policy contexts (Bowen, E. A., & Walton, Q. L. 2015) In order to successfully address the needs of the mental health community as well as the addiction community nurses need to be …show more content…

The patient is unable to obtain necessary services or obtain a support system and spiral out of control. Inpatient psychiatric units became the safety valve for problems that arose from poor continuity of care in the system, often treating patients in a revolving-door fashion. This was reflected as high levels of inpatient utilization and recidivism (“bounce backs”) following discharge from inpatient care (Lambert, M. T. 2012). The lack of mental health addiction nursing and treatments has created this perpetual problem in our communities. The patient is treated only enough to be deemed stable for release and then sent back out into the community. This treatment wears off and they are right back in short term treatment again. If there were more mental health addiction nurses and programs, the continued treatment of these patients would not be so

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