there has been many documented reports on climate change. There are still many people who believe that climate change is false. Most skeptics say that global warming is just one of Earth's many global cycles. They say they will have a stretch of Ice Age then swinging from massive glaciers to normal heat that is bearable to live in. You can hear this argument for many people from relatives and friends to even people on the news.Berkeley a nonprofit research and suit folks on climate change has released a paper on global warming hiatus. In 2015 Berkeley Starpointe now modern buoys that measure ocean temperatures tend to report slightly cooler temperatures than older ship-based systems even when measuring in the same parts of the ocean at same
Climate change conspirators/deniers is a problem to today’s population. Climate change is defined as any irregularities in earth’s weather (NASA, 2017). Individuals who deny the scientific facts that are climate change is an interesting subset of the population. Climate change conspiracy theories typically challenge the scientific proof and ultimately claim that climate change is a hoax. The reasons these individuals give vary. For one, a major claim is that climate change is natural and not a result of human behaviour/consumption patterns. Another main argument is that the science is not reliable. Despite both, and hundreds of other arguments against climate change being proven wrong, these deniers continue to believe that climate change does not exist. The primary conspiracy theory that will be focused on is the belief that climate change is a sham. Two research questions that would help understand why individuals choose to believe this conspiracy theory are: are there any common demographics among climate change deniers; and, how is this belief perpetuated in the media?
Critically assess how the media have used the scientific evidence in the debate around the climate change, and its causes and/or effects
Alleged Global Warming has been a hot topic and been widely reported in the American media since the 1970s. In March 2014, TED, a nonprofit committed to expanding ideas with short talks, gave a powerful presentation of the alleged current consequences of Global Warming in Gavin Schmidt’s (2014) talk: The emergent patterns of climate change. His claims are stark and he implores his audience to take the grave predictions of Global Warming seriously and not just write it off as insignificant. While Google Trends (2014) shows (graph 1) that search terms for global warming in the United States (red) have decreased while worldwide (blue) interest (image 1) fluctuates with India showing the most curiosity. Yet, not everyone agrees that Global
Climate change is one of the most talked-about topics since the past two decades. The planet and its habitants are suffering from this change and, at first sight, people think that they are the only affected by climate change, but this thought is incorrect. In fact, the fauna and flora, and of course the weather are also affected. To combat these problems, many scientists are trying to analyze the behavior of the animals and of the plants to see their reactions to its changes, 195 countries try to find solutions to slow down this phenomenon at the Conference of the Parties every year, awareness campaigns are launched so that citizens can contribute to this slowdown and many more. Many disasters are caused by global warming and this is likely
Climate change has been research for many centuries; as early as the Ice Age. Obviously throughout the years, many researchers have had many ideas and those ideas about climate change have changed over the years. At this time I feel that I’ll give the current findings about how the research of climate change is observed.
Those in power, who believe climate change is a myth, are dangerous for humankind, the environment, and the future as well. Specifically focusing on Trump, who has been in office for a few days, and those he choose to be in various government positions, together, they have already done more damage than good towards the environment. The decisions Trump, and Scott Pruitt (head of the Environmental Protection Agency) made with freezing the EPA's aid negatively affects poverty-stricken areas, like Flint, Michigan. By making drastic decisions without even considering those in America without clean drinking water, highlights that not only is the environment neglected, but also helpless people. While the denial of climate change is present, environmental racism is at work as well.
Everyone is being lied to! Everyone believes in man-made climate change when it’s not even real. I’m here to tell you the truth. These reasons explain how everyone wastes their time and energy worrying about climate change. They waste their money on projects that don’t help, people believe in the politicians that started the lie, and the miners lose their jobs. I’m going to talk to you about climate change.
Climate change is now at a point of being undeniable by anyone who gives it a serious look. Ten of the hottest years since they began keeping records of global temperatures in 1880 have occurred just since 1998. What's more, 2014 was the hottest year in the record books according to NASA and NOAA. These simple facts cannot be refuted by a simpleton Senator bringing a snowball onto the floor of the U.S. Senate and seemingly thinking that snow still exists therefore climate change must be a hoax. One area of serious study by climate scientists currently is the degree to which it is causing extremes in weather patterns around the world.
Studies held in Svalbard have shown that the reindeer population has been decreasing it’s body mass. Reindeer born in the 1990’s weighed about 121 pounds, and those born in 2010 weighed about 106 pounds. This issue is a direct result of climate change, which is the expansion of the greenhouse effect, that is being caused by the doings of humans. Climate change indicates warmer winters means more rain. When the rain freezes, it creates a thick layer of ice above their food, which prevents the reindeer from eating, and creating serious competition for other food. The hungry females either aren’t able to give birth or produce babies that are much tinier.
Climate change has shown itself in many different ways. For instance, the global temperature has gone up little by little since 1880 (Shaftel). This then accumulated to an increase of 1 degree Celsius in 2015 (Shaftel). The global temperature rise shows that the earth is heating up due to the heat being trapped by the greenhouse “blanket” created by humans. Along with rising global temperatures, the ocean’s water level has risen roughly
Take a deep breath and imagine it is Sunday morning. The birds are chirping, the air is crisp with freshness, and the sun is radiating at a perfect temperature of 62 degrees. The coast is a 6-minute drive away, and this is the perfect day to take a short journey to the rocky shore and splash in the water. However, there is one problem, an action such as driving to the beach front will almost certainly contribute to the destructive effects of climate change. Due to this claim, is it then morally obligatory to not go on this Sunday morning drive in an effort to prevent greenhouse gas emissions?
Earth’s climate system has been experiences changes during the last century. Dating back in 1859 a Swedish scientist named Svante Arrhenius was the first to claim that fossil fuel combustion eventually resulted to the contribution of global warming. According to S.M. Enzler MSc, in his article “History of the Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming”, published by Lenntech, Dr. Arrhenius’ findings were long forgotten, “At that time it was thought than human influences were insignificant compared to natural forces, such as solar activity and ocean circulation. It was also believed that the oceans were such great carbon sinks that they would automatically cancel out our pollution.” (Enzler 1.). Global Warming was just an illusion up until the mid-1900s a scientist named Gilbert Plass began experimenting with carbon dioxide which he soon concluded that adding more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere would intercept infrared radiation, that is otherwise lost to space, thus warming the earth. Dr. Plass’ conclusion is very similar to that of Dr. Arrhenius, and the reason why it was not overlooked was due to the advances in technology during Dr.Plass time, proven to have a more accurate data compared to the past. Further research was conducted to help explain the rise in the global annual mean temperature. As of 1988 it was finally acknowledged that climate was warmer than any period since 1880. I agree that
Climate change is the term used to describe the warming of the average surface temperature on earth. Climate change; often referred to as the general term global warming, is a topic that often inspires fierce debate among those on both sides of the issue. One thing those who are pro and those that are con both agree on is that the temperature on earth has increased over the past century by an average of 1.4 degrees. The big debate on the two sides is if the warming temperatures are caused by human activities and if it is not stopped it will have dire consequences (the pro side) or if it is the result of natural causes and the earth’s surface will find ways to adapt such as crops becoming more heat resistant (the con side).
A second study states “Although some records are available from the 1600s and 1700s , systematic measurements of climate began in the mid-1800s. The data include measurements of surface temperature over land and the oceans, precipitation amounts, sea-ice extents, and global sea levels. Since the 1970s, satellite studies have provided additional data on temperature trends at Earth’s surface and through the layers of the atmosphere” (“Global Warming- Britannica”). The second source backs up the first source with exact quantitative data about changes in the first. (See pictures on page 6-7 ). The first topic of the United Nation’s Climate Change 2014 Synthesis Report is “Observed Changes and their Cause” which states “Each of the last three decades has been successively warmer at the Earth’s surface than any preceding decade since 1850” (“United Nations” pg 7). These three sources prove, through scientific observational facts, that the climate of the Earth’s surface is changing very rapidly, therefore, proving that through conclusive science the topic of climate changer is accurate.
The climate changing was first suspected in the 19th century when scientists in britain debated whether Europe was covered by ice in the past. “Guy S Callender suggested that the warming trend revealed in the 19th century had been caused by a 10% increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels.” (Harding) The debate intensified by 2005 when a study was published stating that a large scale disruption could occur by 2050 if we do not slow the process of climate change. The debate has now spiraled back to whether climate change is occurring or not. However the climate warming pattern has been increasing exponentially since the 1950’s.