
The Pros And Cons Of Conspiracy

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Since 9/11 terrorist attacks and one of the nation’s most important achievements, the Moon Landing, to theories about Area 51, conspiracy theories have been spreading throughout society for centuries. To give a clear definition, conspiracy theories are the belief that some covert but influential structuring is responsible for a circumstance or event, according to Google’s description. In order to start conspiracy theory, there is often something about the original story that doesn't make sense. This is what's then used as a basis for the beginning of that; then, a theorist comes up with often countless different possible causes for the sketchy piece in the puzzle. To exemplify, the 9/11 attacs are believed by some to have not actually been caused by the 19 hijackers, howeverthere is a belief about being a secret government plan done purposely. Additionally, There has been a heated philosophical debate about the nature of conspiracy theories and their epistemic status going on today’s world. This discourse has shed light, not only on conspiracy theories, but also in the process, on a diversity of issues in social epistemology, political philosophy, and the philosophy of religion. With the help of these definitions, we should take into consideration the effects of conspiracy theories …show more content…

This might be a main vital question in free thinking. Conspiracy theories are hard to refute because we cannot evidently prove that an alleged secret plot which does not exist. However, if you are the government and target this, it can be used as proof that the conspiracy is real. Additionally, if the media purposes to distort society with conspiracy, this is because the media is also part of the conspiracy. The same argument can be said for the experts and scientists, who can also easily be regarded as servants of the conspiracy. If there is no proof for this theory, it can steam from the plot is so efficient that it acts

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