
The Pros And Cons Of Cruz

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I think the chances of Cruz winning the nomination is 20%. Cruz has stiff competition in Marco Rubio, Donald Trump, Ben Carson, and Carly Fiorina. Cruz has been in the middle of the pack since he entered the race, and his numbers are staying steady. It’s good that they haven’t dropped, but they haven’t climbed either. None of the other candidates have any chance at the nomination, so it will be between those above for the nomination. However, it is most likely that the Republicans will go for a more moderate candidate. They recognize that Cruz is too extreme, and would likely not do well in a general election against whoever the Democratic nominee will be. It seems much more likely that Marco Rubio will win the nomination at this point. The …show more content…

Currently, polls show that in a Clinton vs. Cruz election, Hillary would win by almost 10 percentage points. A poll from Politico shows that less than 10% of Republicans think Cruz would be able to carry their state against Hillary. Despite Hillary’s recent troubles, including the scandal involving her emails, it appears she has not been too affected by them. Her favorability ratings have dropped a bit, but she still has a strong advantage over candidates like Cruz. Cruz’s biggest challenge in a general election would be convincing voters he is not as extreme as he is. There has been quite a bit of progression in America recently, with the legalization of gay marriage and the growing movement to decriminalize marijuana. Those are things that a majority of Americans are okay with, and Ted Cruz is not. Therefore, he will meet a lot of resistance if he campaigns against those things, and will likely push a lot of potential voters away. The Republican Party needs a moderate candidate, and Ted Cruz at this point in time is not a moderate

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