
The Pros And Cons Of Cyberbullying

Decent Essays

As time is progressing technology is becoming more advanced. With the help of electronics such as cell phones, computers, and tablets social media has become a growing trend. Being that “of those who use the internet a massive majority of 76% of American's use social media” (Chaffey). Being able to communicate through social media sites, text messages, chats, and websites has helped cyberbullying prosper. Cyberbullying is a form of bullying using any kind of high tech electronic. There are many ways you can bully someone on the internet, and a lot of ways you can effect someone by cyberbullying them. Also there is a lot of memior from real cyberbully victims. According to Figure 1 there are many ways you can bully someone online. The second largest way to cyberbully someone is by starting rumors online. When someone says something, it gets shared with hundreds or thousands of people with a click of a button. With the internet, there is no such thing as “it’s in the past” when it comes to social media, because the past can be reborn in a thousand different ways on a thousand different sites on a thousand different days (Hastywords).
Also shown in Figure 1 you can bully someone online by cyberthreats—sending continuous threats through cellphone text or online. “Cyberthreats are either threats or distressing material—general statements that make it sound like the writer is emotionally upset and may be considering harming someone else, harming himself or herself, or

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