
The Pros And Cons Of Donald Trump

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So, everyone and their brother is all hot and bothered over Donald Trump making some objectionable comments 11 years ago, in private to another man. Of course the media is all over this, that is their MO. Ignore the emails released regarding real corruption and focus on Trump with feigned outrage because he used some dirty words & was lusting after a woman.
News flash, if you are so hot and bothered about objectifying women then “Hey Fox”, yah better pull Empire off the TV because Lucius Lions got a hummer on national TV from his assistant. Then his wife got hers from the UPS delivery guy. Of course we can include Sex in the City, and let’s not forget Katie Perry, Mylie Cyrus who regularly put out sexual songs and videos. We won’t even touch …show more content…

He talks trash with other men, most of the male population do. Its only when their own dirty little secrets come out that the outrage gets brushed under the carpet. What is fundamentally wrong with the Republican party is that there is no actual loyalty unless you’re an elite. Democrats, I will give credit to they stick together and actually defend each other no matter how dirty one of them is.
Now here’s the reality check, does any of this crap change my vote? No it doesn’t. Why you may be asking yourself, because we need an ASSHOLE in chief who is able to deal with all the evil that is out there and Donald Trump has proven he is capable of doing so. He has my support because that is what we need. Washington is corrupt, the DOJ is corrupt, the FBI is corrupt, the media is corrupt, and both political parties are as dirty as you can get. We have ISIS breathing down our necks, politicians pushing for a new world order that we are supposed to give up our sovereignty for. Illegal immigration is strangling everyone in this country, & our faith is under a genocidal attack. That includes, Christians, Buddhists, Jews & Mormons. There is a religious war going on and we need to wake

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