
The Pros And Cons Of Globalization

Decent Essays

Globalization. Does it fit to the American Reality?
Many researchers are discussing benefits and negative consequences of the globalization. The only one clear answer for the question “Is globalization good or bad?” does not exist. It really depends on the features of life in a particular country. Or, do we have to analyze the benefits for only special social groups? The first concept of globalization and free trade was to allow all the countries to live like one family where the members helped each others financially, by natural resources, services or information. Although it is a good idea, in the modern reality this form of globalization cannot exist. Unfortunately, parties on modern globalization process tend to maximize their own income does not care about general prosperity and equal human rights. Being fully involved in globalization process can be dangerous to the US economy and social life. Moreover, it contradicts US Constitution and vision of America as a country with equal opportunities for each person.
First theoretics of the globalization argued that globalization is profitable because it creates greater opportunities for firms in less industrialized countries to tap into more and larger markets around the world. This can lead to more access to technology, information, capital, cheaper import taxes and larger export fields. Jagdish Bhagwati, the author of “In Defense of Globalization” (2004), noted that that process of globalization also contributes to

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