Automatic weapons are supposed to be used for things like self defense and hunting, but some people prefer to use them differently. A special type of gun called the AR-15 is exceptionally dangerous because of the type of bullet it uses. According to (Green tip)“ a special bullet called the M855 is used in the AR-15”. The reason this is a problem is because the M855 is a special bullet that can pierce through armour. This is especially dangerous to police officers because their bullet proof vests do not stop this bullet. Automatic weapons and guns must not be legal because they are used in shootings and crimes and the automatic weapons stimulate violence.
Automatic weapons are used most in crimes and shootings as a way to threaten and kill,
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Guns can be especially lethal to woman. According to (“The Trace”) “More guns in a state increases the chances for a woman to be shot” therefore in a state with more guns increases the odds of a woman to be shot. This can make woman scared and superstitious. A possible reason for that may be because of domestic violence. Domestic violence is when a violent behavior occurs within a home according to Domestic Violence Homepage. According to (“The Trace”) “Domestic violence kills 2,000 each year and 70 percent are women.” this proves how dangerous (especially to women) guns can be. In addition the presence of a firearm increases the chance for fights and violence to break out, also people not involved may become harmed. According to (“The Trace”) This means that an argument can easily turn into a deadly fight if a firearm is involved. It also means if a bystander not involved in the conflict who is walking by he or she may be killed or injured in the process. So the presence of a firearm is very dangerous and can cause violence. Also a high amount of firearms in a state increases the chance of a women to be shot” (“The Trace”). This is also why guns must not be
For many years, people have been pushing the American government to implement new laws that deal with gun control. Supporters of the argument claim that increased gun control will drastically reduce the crime rate in America. Nevertheless, a majority of gun control arguments are formed from strict control of data and emotional appeal. The mainstream media picks up these stories and broadcasts them to viewers without providing any context to them. While gun control activists assert that gun control is necessary, the American government should not ban guns because of the following reasons: potential vulnerability of innocent people being shot at by criminals and the inability for people to defend themselves against their own government.
Gun control is defined as the “regulation of the selling, owning, and use of guns” (“Gun Control” Merriam-Webster 1). Gun control is a heated topic that many Americans concern themselves with today after recent mass shootings. Suggested solutions are posed and debated between different viewpoints. The laws in existence today should be carried out and tightened before excess laws are passed. Many Americans have turned to face the issue of gun control after recent mass shootings like the one in Las Vegas or in some Churches. Some Americans with a more liberal view believe that tighter gun control laws should be enacted. More conservative Americans believe that the gun control laws already passed should be followed through. The gun laws that have already been passed should be followed through opposed to enacting new laws because many laws are already in place, gun control laws do not stop illegally obtaining a gun, and strict gun control laws have failed to prevent mass killings in countries.
Time is running out, let the government know that you do not want semi-automatic firearms to be controlled based on how fast they fire.
The Constitution states the second amendment as, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”1 This amendment gives the people the right to own and carry guns for their protection and for the security of their homes. There are many controversies surrounding the issue of people owning guns and gun related violence because of the second amendment. One of the biggest controversies is the regulations on gun control regulating what type of guns people may possess and what kind of registration is required. The tenth amendment says, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”2 The second amendment (along with all the other amendments) is under federal jurisdiction; therefore the states do not have power in this case.3 The second amendment gives the right to all American citizens to bear arms, therefore, the States do not have the power to regulate what type of firearm they may possess and how they carry or keep it.
Sometimes the public can make entirely incorrect inferences about certain issues. This misinformation can sometimes become prevalent when talking about assault weapons and mass homicides. Often assault weapons are painted as horrendously deadly guns that can kill hundreds of people in minutes with little to no thought from the shooter. However, what is often misunderstood is that the type of weapons most often mistaken for assault weapons are machine guns. Machine guns are fully automatic guns that typically require two people to operate and can fire multiple rounds under a single prolonged depression of the trigger (“Fully Automatic Firearms.” 1).
The news making the headlines this past couple of days is the genuinely shocking unforeseen improvement of six ladies and three men including a minister who were shot dead at 9 p.m. on Wednesday June 17, 2015 at the Emmanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston South Carolina , a chronicled church which was developed in 1816 as a standout amongst the most settled African-American holy places in the United States.There were three people who survived including a five-year-old young woman whose grandmother prompted her to play dead and that is the methods by which she survived. (Bankoff and Hartmann). Gun control is a greatly delicate issue with different sides and viewpoints. One side feel it is tricky to take away a man's privilege
Gun Control, the big debate of the 21st century. Varying from idea to idea between different souls, backgrounds, and beliefs. Some people believe that people kill people, not guns. Others believe that guns are the reason the people killing each other. Based on research, data, and facts compiled by myself, this is gun control in it’s best days, and darkest hours.
The United States government began regulating and record keeping machine guns in 1934 when the National Firearms Act was passed, the new law placed guidelines on manufacturers and on owners requiring them to register automatic machine guns. Automatic weapons have been banned since 1986 when the Firearm Owners Protection Act passed as an expansion on the 1934 law. Semi-automatic guns, or weapons that “fire repeatedly through an automatic reloading process but requiring release and another pressure of the trigger for each successive shot” (Meriam-Webster 2017) are still legal. Under federal law any modification or adaptation to semi-automatic weapons with the purpose of making them fully automatic is also illegal.
Gun control is perhaps one of the most controversial issues in this country but seemingly not so strong in others. The debate has been present since before the bloody birth of the United States. It was, however, not as pressed then as it is now. There are several factors that contribute to this growing debate. Among such arguments include: the use of guns for self defense, civilian possession of machine guns and assault rifles, and the 2nd amendment's inclusion of the militias right to own guns to protect people and country if need be. An individual is entitled to their right to own guns, however there should be strict regulations on guns and gun ownership.
people are killed. The people and politicians warm up to talk about gun control and strict laws,
Although violent crime rates are steadily decreasing, the misuse of guns remains in the U.S. as we hear of all the tragedies guns have caused. America continues to have the highest homicide rate of all developed countries. Guns are used when people have that option available in front of them. They are misused for reasons like depression or revenge. When a person is angry and is not thinking straight, and has access to a gun, he or she will use it not
Almost daily, there is a story on the news about gun violence and the discussion comes up about gun control. What is gun control? As defined by Marriam-Webster, gun control is the “regulation of the selling, owning, and use of guns,” (Marriam, 2017). When is there too much control? How does it affect the law-abiding citizen? These are questions that need to be taken into consideration while taking a position, as gun control effects everyone in the United States of America. Gun control needs to cease due to the fact that it takes away from the rights and protection of the American people whilst increasing government control.
The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Courts have universally agreed, however, that the right provided by the Second Amendment is not absolute and that many kinds of gun legislation designed to protect public safety remain valid ("Gun Safety & Public Health," 2013). The ongoing debate between the gun rights versus gun control has caught more attention as number of cases involving gun violence increased significantly. In one study, it stated that major mental illnesses are associated with increased risk of violent act. In recent years, there were several news headlines on
As opponents against gun control have numerous reasons as to why guns should not be restricted amongst the American public but pointed to the Second Amendment to the United Constitution as the main reason why gun control should not be permitted in the U.S. However, what these critics do not want to accept is that since 1980, several crucial events in the United States have led to excessive gun control movement. Remarkably, it takes a lot more than one appalling catastrophe to influence Americans that more attention should be taken into monitoring the number and types of guns the public can get access to. However, some major shooting calamities in the U.S such as assassination attempts on President Reagan’s, Columbine, Virginia Tech, and Sandy Hook have all triggered majority of Americans to take a stance in favor of gun control legislation. The first key push in the direction of the gun control movement begun during the era of Ronald Reagan presidency since he happened to be of one of the most “pro gun” presidents in American history.
It was reported that the Las Vegas shooter used legal attachments that makes rifles automatic. These attachments gave his gun the power to shoot 9 bullets per second on the helpless crowd under him (Greenburg). However, despite these findings, the company just announced its plans to begin to sell the product again (Mann). Studies show that people who use a fully automatic gun to commit a crime, almost always use altered semi-automatic guns.( “The Jack”).