
The Pros And Cons Of Independent Movies

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In recent years, the film industry has drastically changed. I remember when I was little, I thought independent films and documentaries were weird things that only hippies watched. Now, more and more people adore independent films. Although indie flicks do not have the budget of blockbuster films, they do have a unique chance to explore what lies beyond Hollywood norms. Instead of the same directors and mangers deciding what will entertain the masses, these videos allow creators to reach a more-targeted audience. For example, one may make a video about the bad conditions of meat factories and share it on Facebook among vegetarian groups. A movie that narrow in audience would never reach it to the theaters. Also, independent movies explore what makes a movie “good” and defy the cutter-cookie plots of major pictures. One particularly great, acclaimed indie movie was The Babadook. This movie had a very slow build and an unsettling ending, both of which are not common in megamovies. The norms of television shows are being tested as well. Similarly to HBO, Netflix produces content of its own instead of relying on television networks. This freedom lets it create controversial material, such as a show called Dear White People. The company describes the show as a journey of “students of color [who] navigate the daily slights and slippery politics of life at an Ivy League college that's not nearly as ‘post-racial’ as it thinks.” One can imagine that popular networks, such as Fox and

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