
The Pros And Cons Of Internet Privacy

Good Essays

2. Evaluating Issues
2.1 Ethical
Unfortunately, many people even without their knowledge are violating many ethical principles such as trust, respect and security every day. Mostly a smartphone user has at least one social media app or a chat app installed. Chat apps are used to share very sensitive and private data, such as a conversation between a husband and wife, bank and transaction details, residence address, calendar schedule, etc. and social apps to share mostly photos, videos and concerns on various topics. For an example, you may share a group photo on Facebook where others in that photo also visible to many people according to your privacy settings. Nevertheless, do you always ask permission from each friend in a group photo before you share it? If I conduct a survey on this, most probably it would end with the answer of “no” which means this act clearly violates UDHR article 12 and ECHR article 8. Smartphone users widely use chat apps to text messages and send personal photos and most of these apps store these data on their servers. So where is the privacy of using these kind of apps? Do not people know this? Even they knew about the lack of privacy and security in here, still most people use these apps because of its convenient and ease of use. Government authorities are one party who may have access to these private data in a country, with or without users’ knowledge. NSA spying scandal, which was leaked by a former contractor for the CIA, Edward Snowden on

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