
The Pros And Cons Of Martin Luther King

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The Spanish proverb, “Live with wolves and you learn to howl,” shows that if a person is surrounded by bad people then they will turn into a bad person, and if they surround themselves with good people they will be a good person. Look at Trump supporters, they’re surrounded by aggressive and gullible people, so gullible that they believe that the election is rigged instead of doing their research and seeing that whenever Trump loses he just pulls the rigged card (and there are only 31 reports of voter fraud), and the smart people who were only following Trump because they don't agree with Clinton are starting to turn into these people. Proverbs like this can be associated with many events and people, examples of this are Martin Luther King Jr., The KKK, The Jungle …show more content…

was the leader for the Civil Rights movement which was the fight for all races to be treated equally. Martin Luther King Jr. was the perfect leader of the Civil Rights movement. “Had an amazing speaking gift, which allowed him to show the demands of African Americans for social justice” (Garrow). Martin Luther King Jr. had an amazing gift that he used for this movement. King later became the leader of the movement. King was incredibly calm in his position to lead the peaceful side of the Civil Rights movement. “King’s eloquent pleas won him the support of blacks and whites, which won him the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964” (Garrow). King was loved by both blacks and whites. He won the Nobel Peace Prize because he was so loved. King even managed to get many white men and women on his side. “King was an amazing leader for the Civil Rights movement, because of him, men and women of all races supported Civil Rights” (Garrow). Eventually it got to the point where all races were behind him. Once this happened, winning Civil Rights was inevitable. King was later assassinated because he was such a good leader and this boosted the movement even further even though it had no

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