
The Pros And Cons Of Prostitution

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Prostitution is currently legal in multiple countries in Europe. The countries in which prostitution is legal are where human-trafficking rates have spiked. Due to prostitution being legal, it is easier to draw prostitutes into the companies where they are then trapped and forced to have sex. There are also many ethical and moral concerns for the legalization of prostitution. The topics of prostitution and human-trafficking are juxtaposed in regard to whether they are interrelated. In 2002, Germany made buying sex, selling sex, and brothel-keeping legal. Germany has more prostitutes per capita than any other country and the industry is now approximately worth 15 billion euros. The objective of legalizing prostitution was to make it clear that it was like any other job. It was thought that once prostitution became legal, the workers could now enter into employment contracts, sue for payment and register for healthcare, pension plans, and other various benefits. However, the goal of this law failed. According to one brothel owner in, “Nobody employs prostitutes in Germany.” After researching it, the authors Joel Gunter and Ben Clissitt state that only 44 prostitutes registered for benefits. (Gunter) Prostitution is usually done in brothels, truck stops, or “sex-boxes.” However, when in these environments the prostitutes are not considered employees. The prostitutes will usually pay a rate to rent out a room and then the prostitute will determine their rate. This helps both parties by eliminating health insurance and pension contributions. (Gunter) Inversely in Sweden, they have imposed a sex purchase ban that has also sparked an interest in creating a ban on selling sex. The ban has caused a larger opposition to prostitution. Prostitutes experienced an increased stigma around prostitution after the criminalization. Overall, the negative effects on the prostitutes should be considered positive because of the goal of the Sex Purchase Act was to fight prostitution. (Fossum) The approaches to prostitution in these countries is different from the approach that is taken against prostitution in the United States. Buying and selling sex is illegal in the United States. However, some may argue that it is there body

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