“Why should it be illegal to sell something that it’s legal to give away?” is a question posed by Judge Carlos Bea in California’s 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to the state’s Attorney General. A lawyer representing the San Francisco-based Erotic Service Provider Legal, Educational, and Research Project filed a lawsuit in 2015 to change the 145-year old California law criminalizing sex work (Patch, 2017). The court is now allowing the legal challenge after a lower court threw out the case last year (Shugerman, White, 2017). In Washington D.C., there is a bill that also seeks to decriminalize prostitution as a way to help sex workers report violent crimes without fear of arrest (Mehlan-Orozco, 2017). There are those in California and throughout the country fighting the current laws with plenty of opposition. The issue of legalized prostitution and decriminalization is plenty controversial with those against it fighting to keep current laws in place. While proponents of decriminalization say it is about improved protection for those in the industry particularly marginalized people, its opponents say that it will only embolden pimps and validate the abuse of women (Shugerman, White, 2017). A former sex worker in Germany’s legal sex industry, Rachel Lloyd; points out that the presence of an adult sex industry increases child sexual exploitation and trafficking. She also states that it is the “only industry that is dependent on the regular supply of victims of trauma and
Prostitution is supposedly the oldest profession in the world. It is legal in some countries, such as the United Kingdom and Germany. However, in the majority of the world, prostitution is illegal. The legalization of prostitution has become a popular dispute between what is morally right and wrong. There would be economic benefits in the amount of revenue that governments generate if prostitution were to become a legal line of work. However, many people are against legalizing a profession that is considered immoral. It is a profession that is going to take place, whether or not it is legalized. Legalizing prostitution is needed to ensure those who provide and those who pay for this service, a safer and healthier environment. This essay will provide supporting evidence for this claim.
Policies and laws fail to stop prostitution, and it will not stop. It is more costly to keep prostitution illegal. Prostitutes will be more vulnerable to getting criminal records, which then makes it harder for them in society, to obtain legal jobs. Also, with prostitution being illegal the workers may not be able to protect themselves from crimes against them. As prostitution is not legal, then they have to find discreet places to work, which usually is not in a safe environment. If some kind of crime against them did happen, they may feel that, they aren’t able to go to the police for help, as their work is illegal. It actually makes it harder on the worker, in turn making it harder for the client. There are all sorts of people who turn to prostitutes. From blue collar workers to high executives of companies, business owners and more. With prostitution being illegal, the clients are facing criminal charges as well. This does not only hurt the client, but communities as well. The author believes that people around the world have changed their older views and sexual norms to adapt to a more modern society. Brents, B.A., Jackson, C.A., & Hausbeck, K. (2010) concludes that prostitution is better being legalized than being criminalized (p.233). And with this change, people should reevaluate and learn from Nevada’s policies on prostitution being legal. While the author has shown many reasons why
Case Study for Psychological Disorders and Treatment Group Presentation Project: A. Presenting problem: Julie was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. She is also learning how to cope with the anxiety and depression got from her traumatic experience. She needs to learn how to behave in public, remain in healthy relationships, and find ways to learn in school. She was recently diagnosed with this disorder. She is also being treated for anxiety and depression.
“(Optional) Share with us a few of your favorite books, poems, authors, films, plays, pieces of music, musicians, performers, paintings, artists, blogs, magazines, or newspapers. Feel free to touch on one, some, or all of the categories listed, or add a category of your own”
With no government control or regulation, work-place violence, harassment, and medical care are not monitored or concerned, even though this line of work is the most vulnerable to all three conditions. In fact, nearly seventy-five percent of sex-workers experience work-place violence. For this, “decriminalization could be the best means to protect the rights of sex workers and ensure that these individuals receive adequate medical care, legal assistance, and police protection” (Amnesty International). Along with Amnesty International, one of the most respected human rights organizations in the world, the World Health Organization, UN Women, Global Commission on HIV and the law, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health, Human Rights Watch, and the Open Society Foundations also support the decriminalization of prostitution in the United States. Criminalizing prostitution will not end prostitution. Instead, the only plausible solution is government regulation. With government support, clients can be tracked through credit cards and any violence or harassment will be able to be reported and taken care of, on a legal level. The sex-work industry also has alarming statistics involving STI’s and STD’s. The men who control the women, or the ‘pimps’, force the women to have oral, vaginal, and anal sex without any kind of contraception, if that is what the client prefers. The Porn Industry,
Those opposing the legalization of prostitution believe that there are several reasons why the United States should not legalize the buying and selling of sexual acts. If prostitution were legal, sex trafficking in the United States would surge (Bruckert and Hannem 47). In order to avoid being taxed, entrepreneurs would simply kidnap girls and sell them into an underground trafficking system, making a business of their own (Perer 829). Children and teens would be abducted, forced to take drugs, and forced to prostitute themselves for the profit of their kidnapper (Bruckert and Hannem 47; Perer 829). Sex trafficking would be used to avoid the use of sexual protection. Johns will pay more for a girl who does not make them use a condom, and this alone could spark a new interest for sex trafficking (Perer 830). Sex trafficking is a horrible industry that most abducted girls never make it out of, and legalizing prostitution will only make it worse (Wagenaar and Altink 280).
Though illegal in the United States, prostitution is still a strongly prevalent crime happening all across the nation. Currently, a person participating in the crime of prostitution will be charged with a misdemeanor (Liberator 2). People every single day are being charged with a misdemeanor for this specific crime. Statistically, it may even seem like this crime is being caught more often than other, more extreme crimes. Prostitution is a strongly enforced crime that costs America large sums of money (Chittom 1). Contrary to what many think though, this crime isn’t illegal in all of America. Though illegal in the majority of America, it is legalized in the state of Rhode Island, as well as in several rural counties in Nevada (2). With the
The sex industry is highly divided between those who call themselves “sex workers”, and former prostitutes who call themselves “survivors” (Glazer 340). Women should have the right to choose what they do for a living, including prostitution. The criminalization of prostitution does more harm than good when often women are left unprotected, both socially and legally, and therefore, the United States should make efforts to decriminalize and regulate prostitution instead.
Prostitution and human trafficking are taking place all over the world despite the legal restrictions put upon them. According to Ronald Weitzer, “The sex industry refers to the workers, managers, owners, agencies, clubs, trade associations, and marketing involved in sexual commerce, both legal and illegal varieties” (1). There are many questions that arise when discussing the sex industry. Should prostitution be legalized? If it were to be legalized, would anything change? Is prostitution morally acceptable? What is being done to stop human trafficking? There is not one correct answer for any these questions, but each question can be analyzed by scholars who have different opinions on the issue. Prostitution should be legal while
Prostitution is said to be “the world’s oldest profession” (Ramchandran par. 1). The Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary defines prostitution as “the act or practice of engaging in promiscuous sexual relations especially for money” (“Prostitution” par. 1). Many people argue that prostitution should be legalized, but it hurts people more than it helps. Legalization of prostitution condones sexual behavior for profit. Not to mention, the increased risk of illness or infection via sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs), or death. It also does not “enhance women’s choices” (Raymond par. 45). This means that whether
My group is doing the topic of legalizing prostitution. Throughout the course we talked briefly about prostitution, but it was clear that prostitution is not something that our elders would like us the new era to be ok with. In class we talked discussed how the slippery slope of morality. This is when you say yes to things that are not fully ok however they aren't too bad either this is where the slope begins. Then when you face other bad decisions you also say yes this is where it all starts going downhill, you lose sight of the bad that you are agreeing to. Next thing you know you have no problem saying yes to decisions you know are bad. When applying the slippery slope to legalizing prostitution you see that it is not a good idea to do it.
While proponents of prostitution legalization claim it promotes women’s independence and autonomy, opponents argue that it exploits and objectifies women. In terms of putting ideology into practice, criminalization fails. The neoconservative ideology behind criminalization implies that women are unfit to make their own decisions about their sexuality. Under criminalization in the United States, females are arrested at much higher rates than males, despite the fact that when including johns, pimps, and brothel owners, there are probably more men involved in the practice (McKim 1). Additionally, every state (except some parts of Nevada) in the U.S. criminalizes women who sell sex, but only half of those states also have laws criminalizing men who buy sex (Mathieson 374). This discriminatory enforcement of prostitution laws undermines the gender equality this country is trying to achieve. The legalization and regulation of prostitution argues that the best way to promote women’s autonomy is by allowing them to take control of their own bodies and choose their own profession. Due to the imbalance between men and women within the sex trade, legalization advocates support allowing the exchange of sexual services for money between consenting adults. It is a “victimless crime;” however the question remains whether it perpetuates a culture of objectification of women.
One of the potential individual barriers that may affect coaching is the both parties attitude. This can be shown in a number of ways. For example ‘paying lip service’. The coachee ensures that they will work hard to achieve their goals. Although subsequently they continue in the same, bad work ethics performance. ‘Won’t do’ attitude, the coach or coachee is reluctant to change their current working methods as they feel they are gaining results. The coach is unable to adapt their coaching style to accommodate the learning style of the coachee. To overcome and minimise the above they must ensure review periods are set and kept too. This will create an
The sex work industry has changed and is changing over the years, similar to controversial issues such as, gay rights and abortion. Hence, there will never be a ‘black and white’ solution due to the distinct views of what prostitution entails versus what the law intends to do about it. Decriminalization is the removal of criminal penalties from an act formerly defined as crime (Weitzer, 2012, P: 49). Prostitution should be decriminalized so the government can regulate public safety and the safety of sex workers. This paper will also, examine how the government can regulate the prostitution business and reinforce the feminist ideology. In effort to best present my arguments this paper will be divided into different paragraphs, whereby each paragraph presents a different argument of why
Prostitution has been around as long as human beings have engaged in sexual activities, and it is even touted as the world’s oldest profession. Despite these proclamations, the subject of prostitution continues to spark controversy in the United States in moderns times as it is a hot debate topic. Off and on, throughout the years, various states around the country have proposed that the practice should be decriminalized; however, it remains illegal nationwide, except for a few counties in Nevada. The reasons for this stem from both sides of the argument, as anti-prostitution advocates claim decriminalization of prostitution is immoral and sexually exploitative, while pro-prostitution advocates want to keep the government out of the bedrooms of consenting adults. No matter the stance for or against prostitution, the current legal construction surrounding it is undeniably harmful. Regardless of the arguments against prostitutes, it is time to decriminalize the laws against this practice to protect the rights of sex workers.