
The Pros And Cons Of Prostitution In Hong Kong

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Prostitution is generally described as the granting of sexual acts in exchange for compensation. Prostitution has been an area of increasing concern for legal professionals in recent years, both as a result of the Internet and an increase in sex trafficking. (Hg.Org)

Prostitution is legal in Hong Kong; However everything related to it is not. For example, running a brothel, advertising sex are illegal. Hong Kong's attitude to prostitution is that as long as it's done by no one knows, it can carry on. However, it's important to note that Hong Kong Triads are heavily involved in prostitution in the city (Rory, Borland, 2017).

However, it's important to note that Hong Kong Triads are heavily involved in prostitution in the city, and any money you hand over is probably helping line their pockets.(Rory, Borland, 2017)

There are around 4200 prostitution arrested in New York per each year. In South Korea the police arrested 73000 of prostitution in 2008, 21123 arrested in 2012. 99%of prostitution customers in France are male, 41% of them are married. ( According to the Havocscope Global Black Market Information, there are 13,828,700 prostitutes around the world. China has the highest …show more content…

If prostitution is legal, the state and the country government could gain significant revenue. There are some place do not need to pay the taxes to the state, but they still need to pay a significant revenue to the country. For example Nevada brothels. (Johany Hernandez,2014). The statistic shown that there are more than one prostitutes in America, this means that the tax revenue by prostitution will be more than $20 billion per year ( The prostitution business worth $186 billion around the world. Germany liberalized prostitution law in 2002, the legal industry is worth around €16 billion. So those revenue can benefit the society (debating

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