
The Pros And Cons Of Robots To Space

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The debate between sending humans or robots to space has been and remains highly controversial. They both have pros and cons but ultimately, the best way to explore space is with robots. There is so much that still needs to be explored in outer space and doing so has the potential of finding another location able to sustain life. Since a lot of space is unknown it is crucial that we understand what is going on up there in order to send a properly equipped object into space. That being said, scientists can predict what a particular object in space is like, but there is always uncertainty. It will always be a mystery until something travels to space and supplies the necessary information for humans to better understand the way the object will operate in space. The best method for space exploration is by using robots. Although robots will require more trial and error, they will help sculpt the bigger picture in the most effective way. Human space exploration is an exciting thing, but there is no need to rush into it. It is true that humans are a lot more reactive than robots; humans are able to make quick decisions in a couple of seconds vs. a robot that needs to send signals down to Earth which can take up to 15 minutes to receive (Mann, 2017). A robot can not react in the same way a human does, but there is an ethical benefit to this. Lives of humans are not being endangered and there is not as much as an emotional attachment to the robots. Robots are expendable machines

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